Uninstall windows apps only to come back


Extraordinary Member
I have created a new image for a Dell Latitude 5320 windows 11 and got it right where I wanted it. When logged in as the administrator of course I do everything under that account because at the time the laptop is in audit mode. I have completely uninstall quite a few apps like some of the game apps, tiktok, espn etc you know the ones we are not trying to allow our users access. Once I had the image where I wanted it then I did a capture. Logged in as desktopsupport everything looked as it was supposed to. Now that I login as a test user all those apps that I had uninstalled through powershell reappear why is that?
Anyone have any advice on how to NOT get those programs to come back when logged in as a regular user? This is driving me insane not figuring out how to keep these programs uninstalled.
Is there a script that needs to get run in the background when a user first logs on?
How do I keep those programs from reinstalling?

thanks in advance for your input
It can be done with Powershell. Have to use the appxprovisionedpackage commands to remove them from all users and future accounts.

This is an example to remove Solitaire
 Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online  | ? { $_.DisplayName -like "*Solitaire*" } | % { Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName $_.PackageName -AllUsers -Online }
It can be done with Powershell. Have to use the appxprovisionedpackage commands to remove them from all users and future accounts.

This is an example to remove Solitaire
 Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online  | ? { $_.DisplayName -like "*Solitaire*" } | % { Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -PackageName $_.PackageName -AllUsers -Online }
Hey Neemobeer I appreciate the response. Now let me ask you under the administrator account becasuse I am doing this in audit mode, After completing the image and all. Now the image is getting applied and it automatically logs me in as desktopsupport because I have the answer file setup like that. Once I join it to the domain and login as a new user will the apps reappear or should they not come back? This is of course uninstalling the apps with powershell while in audit mode.
They should not come back. They may not go away if already there. Right click the app and 'Uninstall' or Remove-AppxPackage can be used to remove
They should not come back.
ime it depends on the App, for example WebView2 is part of Edge which you cann't uninstall [Edge] you can uninstall WebView2 but Microsoft will just put it back next time your system looks for updates so setting your system to block user accounts won't stop anything because Microsoft has more control then a user... or even the Admin
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