Windows 7 how do I make it all look normal?


New Member
Nov 23, 2009
I just switched to windows 7. My husband says it is great but I can't get past the look. I want my green start button. I want my folders to look like folders. like the folders that have images on the front of what is in them, or just a blank yellow one with the name BELOW the folder not this half-open-don't-know-what-is-in-it-folder weirdness... How do I get it so I can use my computer again?
Well first, you are doing pretty good.. you got here! Second, in Windows Explorer there are 6 ways to list your files, and if you multiply that by the optional 4 size factors, you have 24 possible ways to view your files, then you can turn on or off the preview view giving you 48 total view options. It's probably just a matter of clicking the "change your view" options till you find the one you are familiar with.

As for the color of the start menu button you can do it, but the level of complexity may be more than it's worth... and there are only 3 options. Here is how:

Link Removed

Also, google menu orb

and figure out some fancy tricks to share with us... we are mostly "under the hood" "meat and bones" types here and don't put a lot of effort into appearances.
thanks. I just don't understand why they are changing soooo much. I had to quit using IE after nearly a decade of people trying to get me to switch to FF simply because they moved the address bar and there seems to be no way to fix it. An address bar should go BELOW the menu. Menus are ALWAYS at the top.

but now with this computer I can't organize my old stuff because I have no idea what is in a folder without opening it. The new folder thing is suppost to show you a preview but the old system showed a MUCH BETTER preview. One where you could actually see the whole photo instead of just a corner. This just makes me feel like I can't use this computer anymore :( like it's not my computer anymore, it's just a box. :(

how do I get it to do quicklaunch buttons to show up when the program is open? I have FF open (obviously) but the quicklaunch for it won't show up.
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thanks. I just don't understand why they are changing soooo much. I had to quit using IE after nearly a decade of people trying to get me to switch to FF simply because they moved the address bar and there seems to be no way to fix it. An address bar should go BELOW the menu. Menus are ALWAYS at the top.

but now with this computer I can't organize my old stuff because I have no idea what is in a folder without opening it. The new folder thing is suppost to show you a preview but the old system showed a MUCH BETTER preview. One where you could actually see the whole photo instead of just a corner. This just makes me feel like I can't use this computer anymore :( like it's not my computer anymore, it's just a box. :(

how do I get it to do quicklaunch buttons to show up when the program is open? I have FF open (obviously) but the quicklaunch for it won't show up.

When you say preview I don't know what you mean. A "preview" is what you get when you "mouse-over" like when you put your mouse on the bottom right of your screen and get a peek or "preview" of the desktop without clicking. As far as I know there has never been any mouse-over preview in Windows Explorer. I've always had to click. I've never seen any corners. I would like to see a screen shot of that.

Windows 7 doesn't have a quicklaunch. But you can PIN any program, folder or shortcut to either Start menu or Taskbar or both.

If you just want a quick peek into a folder you can do this:

Right click on the taskbar and select toolbars... then New Toolbar... you can
then go to any folder on your system and make a shortcut to it .. say for
example Music.... then your taskbar will have a shortcut to Music >>
When you click >> you get a list of all your music files in that folder and can
select any song you want to hear. Pretty cool.
Create a custom Windows taskbar toolbar - Clips - Lifehacker

There are also several shortcuts from the Start menu .. to photos, documents, videos and music. I suppose you must have more folders than those or you don't use those? I just click click ...Start / photos and i see all my photos. Maybe you can just do a little reorganization and it will all make sense/
ok. I finally found the "view" menu. now I have the names under the folders which is better, but they are still doing that crazy half open thing.

the only thing I can figure at this point is to take a screen shot using my laptop (which is still on XP) and then make new icons using the ones from XP and move them all over here. that would take forever......
no, not the mouse over preview. the one where an image of your choice or four of the most recent images are shown on the folder. I can get a screen shot next time I am on my laptop. you don't have to mouse over or click anything. On 7 it has the half open folder and shows you a portion of a photo in there but you can't really tell what it is because it is only part of it:


I can deal with quicklaunch being called pin, but I don't like that the pinned part goes away when you open the program. What if I want to open another?
I never ran XP so I don't have a clue about icons or why they would be any differet. I have a feeling, just like everyting else.. it's all there and you have to find/remember how you set it up under XP so it looks the same under 7.
Oh.. I see the image you posted now. It wasn't showing until I entered my reply.

I've never seen a folder preview all the files in it.... without clicking to open it.... but I'm oldschool.
not all the files. one that you pick, or the four most recent.
here is a regular folder, one that I picked the image, and one that just has photos in it so it shows the four most recent (in this case there was a rainbow across the street).

also I see the desktop button, but when I click on it it only gives me a list of the desktop things, is there a way to get the 'show desktop' thingy that was in the quicklaunch area before? I want to actually see the desktop because I remember where things are by location, not by name. (does that make sense? )
thanks. I don't get the point of the icon resorer though. why would they get out of place? is there something about win7 that I don't know yet? I am looking for the button on the taskbar. On XP it is in the quicklaunch area. I think it is called "show desktop" and it looks like a little box. you click it to minimize everything all at once.

and is there an icon I can change it to that will do what I want it to do? I know I could screenshot from my XP laptop and then change each one manually on this computer but that would take forever so I don't think it is really an option.......
thanks. I don't get the point of the icon resorer though. why would they get out of place?{/quote]

I don't know why... but they just do sometimes. Maybe it's because I'm always playing aroud with options, tweaks and installing and testing so much software.

quicklaunch area. I think it is called "show desktop" and it looks like a little box. you click it to minimize everything all at once.
There is no quicklaunch in Win 7 but there is an triangel up that you can click to get to some hidden icons. Programs only go there if they are written to minimize hidden. You can override their behavior if you run them in Vista mode and they will minimize to the taskbar instead. Press Winkey + M to minimize all programs at once.

and is there an icon I can change it to that will do what I want it to do? I know I could screenshot from my XP laptop and then change each one manually on this computer but that would take forever so I don't think it is really an option.......

You seem to want an individual, personalized icon for every folder, if I'm understanding you correctly. That will take some work... or you have to figure out what you did under XP to get your folder icons personalized.
There is no quicklaunch in Win 7 but there is an triangel up that you can click to get to some hidden icons. Programs only go there if they are written to minimize hidden. You can override their behavior if you run them in Vista mode and they will minimize to the taskbar instead. Press Winkey + M to minimize all programs at once....
I don't have a winkey. I have an old clicky keyboard. I need my quicklaunch. I like to have FF, my calc, and my 'show desktop' there. Not much, just stuff I need to grab real quick.

You seem to want an individual, personalized icon for every folder, if I'm understanding you correctly. That will take some work... or you have to figure out what you did under XP to get your folder icons personalized.
I know exactly how I did it in XP. It was an option. I can get a screen shot when I am down on my laptop. It was no work at all on that one, well as much work as changing the view.

1st of all the link I have included will guide you in re-establishing Quick Launch. As you will read, it can even be put over by the Windows Orb, where you are accustom to having it. ...


I, also, suggest you enable the LINKS Toolbar. This equates to the IE Favorites Bar but, provides 1Click to open those sites w/out having a browser open 1st.
since IE7 came out I switched to FF. I do not like having an address bar above everything and from what I could tell there was no way to change that. I also want a new window to open when I click on the FF icon in the quicklaunch, not a new tab. I am still not a huge fan of tabs. they tend to get lost too easily.

Now, before any specifics... I liked XP however it truly pales compared the Features & abilities & pleasure of Windows 7! Preview Pane of 7 is a great thing & improvement. Search function is honestly a joyful time saver. Besides (now) being able to place things in Quick Launch when that is coupled w/ the ability to Pin things to either or Start Menu or Taskbar allows fantastic customization. Windows 7 has Keyboard shortcuts that are so cool once you get to know them & that never existed before, really neat what they can do & how they can be used. 7 has a huge ability to preview Desktop items in many different ways. I (now) find navigating w/in Windows 7 just plain slick...
is the preview pane the thing where you hover over the things at the bottom and they show you a little preview? I don't really like that, it's just kinda annoying to me. all the windows look the same. maybe it will be better when the new glasses I ordered come in and I can read what is in the windows. I can see how the new search can be nice, but when I have to search for something it is because I lost it and loosing things is bad. It also makes me feel even more alienated from my computer since I don't know it well enough to know where something is and I have to go looking :( And haven't you been able to "pin" things into the start menu since 98? I know I have had things I wanted in there since way back. Mostly I liked having the calc easy acess before they had quicklaunch. But with all the trouble I had last night (a good three hours) just trying to change how the start button looks I wouldn't say that win7 has "fantastic customization". :lol: Can you give me examples of a couple of your favorite shortcuts that never existed before?

As for "Show Desktop, it's in the (very) bottom right hand corner of the screen @ the end of the Taskbar.... just put the cursor there & everything goes transparent & voila, view the Desktop....
thank you, that is what I was looking for. you just click on it to keep the desktop showing, which is strange since why would I want to just look at the desktop and not do anything with it? :lol:

Point is I have been running Windows 7 since January. I have been through Windows 98, XP and Vista. Certainly there were things I liked in XP & Vista (maybe 98, too, lol). But, those are behind us & now we have to deal w/ Windows 7. At first I looked @ Windows 7 & said, "Well, now ain't this different :frown:". So I poked around, palyed @ things a bit, mucked about til soon I made it to my liking, became familiar w/ it & grew to really like & appreicate it. Things like "Snapping" 2 windows to equally share the screen, "Grab & Shake" to minimize all other open windows but, one. I did a bit to configure things in ways I had always preferred (from the past) but, not exactly w/ the goal to make them what they were in another (prior) Operating System, cus as much as I like nostalgia, Windows 7 is not a prior OS, it is what it is. I had to accept that. There is so much terrific functionality in Windows 7 it makes better or good sense to get comfy w/ it than all one has to go through w/ 3rd Party software, Registry hacks or whatever; just not worth the trouble. Something can different w/out that being a bad thing & actually it can even be that change is for the better. Took me a wee while to see it, too. But, I soon became grateful I took that while.
One thing took time to figure out was something I had always had in XP & Vista and that is a Desktop w/ no icons but, I was happy & pleased when I succeeded. ..
I think that stuff is worth the trouble to make it feel like my computer. I wouldn't just walk into a house and accept the decorating and live there anyway. It would be worth the trouble to me to get furniture I liked, hang pictures on the wall, etc. I also wouldn't move into a house with a layout that didn't work with my lifestyle.
Nobody wants the same things in a house or in an OS. You want no icons on the desktop, I live off my desktop and like to keep tons of things there. There should be options for all of this stuff. (and I don't like that it has to be a 3rd party fix, windows should have done it themselves).
ok, I figured out the easy way to get the windows to look better. it is rightclick on desktop>personalize> scroll to the bottom and select windows classic. it looks just like 98 :D well the colors do, and the start menu says start and is grey :D It makes that weird see through thingy go away. I really liked how the see through thing looks, but it is HIGHLY distracting and just not conductive to actually doing things.

also the link above for the quick launch works great. it looks and works just like quick launch should and now I can keep my calc there :)

and I just ran across this: Windows XP Mode - Install and Setup - Windows 7 Forums which is "virtual windows XP mode" for win7.

really I will be much happier when I can get the crazy sideways folders to go away......
I found the classic before the transparency. I tried to adjust the transparency before. But whatever advantages (and even just the cool look) are not going to outweigh the disadvantages of keeping it transparent.

This is what I was talking about with the other folder icons:

if you don't pick the image for the thumbnail preview then it just shows the 4 most recent ones.
Ill have to go look for that transparency thing next time I am up there. I think I have seen that screen before but I don't remember that being an option, of course maybe it was a different screen. this system has me so confused....

Ok, here's what's been unnoticed w/ Windows 7 & IE8... both will open New Tabs for you. IE @ the Start Menu points to Private & New Tab; Anything clicked in LINKS will open a new Tab; Setting the cursor on an item w/in or on the browser window via Ctrl+Click will open that site in a new Tab; w/ a browser open under File is New Tab; Favorites list items will open new Tabs & new to Windows 7, Jump Lists w/ IE offer New Tab...."
that's the thing. I DO NOT WANT TABS. I have been using them in FF for a while now, but I don't care for them. I want a new window. With tabs things get lost and I end up having the same window open five different times because I can't find the other ones. if I can just see it all at the bottom instead of searching and searching and searching through tabs I am much better off.


Maybe I like the partially open Folder thing cus, besides the name, also gives a wee visual (oh that's what that is) and looks more realistic then I was used to seeing, so, for myself, I found it kinda neat.

that's what I like/ed about the thumbnails in XP (see images above). instead of "a wee visual' I actually could see the whole thing and know what it was. to me it's not a 'oh that's what that is' it's more of a 'huh? what in the world is that?" and then I get distracted from what I am suppost to be doing while I go spend forever investigating that thing.....

Yep, you can have your very own Virtual XP machine via XP Mode on Windows 7 w/ Windows VPC OR build one w/ your XP disc.
:lol: my husband already offered that two days ago.
I do use tabs to a degree, but not because I really want to, just because that is how they open up and I am too lazy to make them into a window. But I was fine without them and wouldn't be upset if they disappeared. (a little confused perhaps since everyone else seems to like them for some reason, but not upset). :)

I can only do the new folder shortcut. I do not have a win key. I know, I am all sorts of weird. :)

I just ran across this which seems to combine the best of the old and new start menus. but it is $20. but it looks really cool and just might be worth it... I think Ill try the demo.....

ok. I just figured out how to change the basic desktop icons (I didn't really hate those, but in my search for a better folder icon I found Link Removed - Invalid URL). It's under personalization over on the left side. still looking for the regular folders......
I do use tabs to a degree, but not because I really want to, just because that is how they open up and I am too lazy to make them into a window. But I was fine without them and wouldn't be upset if they disappeared. (a little confused perhaps since everyone else seems to like them for some reason, but not upset). :)

I know, I am all sorts of weird. :)
You're not weird. You're like my wife. She can't stand changes. She's still using XP. I don't know how I'll get her to switch to Win7. Every time I mention it she gives me that look.

You said you're using Firefox right?

Go to Tools / Options /.
Click on tabs.
Deselect: Open new windows in a new tab instead.
Click on Ok.

You'll get new windows instead of tabs.
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