Windows XP Hi I want to print a list of the pc programs but can't find a way in. Please advise. Thank you

To list all programs this certainly works in Windows 7 and 10, but I cannot remember if it will work in XP, try it you can do no harm.

From an elevated Command Prompt, i.e. click the Windows Orb (Start) > All Programs > Accessories and right-click Command Prompt, then ‘Run as Administrator’. Type wmic product get name,version |clip (note the four spaces) and press Enter. It will take a little time to gather the information. When it has finished, open Notepad or Word, etc. and paste (Ctrl+V) the results into it. Then print it.
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Yes, in order to run a certain program I was advised to start a new account, but instead of existing with the old account it “erased” it, or so I thought.
A system scan later showed all the original programs and files but I could not open or erase them and they were using a serious chunk of my main drive. Nobody came up with an answer.
Later I opened windows in “safe” mode and there was the original account and the current one. I now want to print out a list of these and also a list of the programs and files on a thumb drive so I can delete some and free up my drive, hope this explains it. “prtscn” does nothing
To list all programs this certainly works in Windows 7 and 10, but I cannot remember if it will work in XP, try it you can do no harm.

From an elevated Command Prompt, i.e. click the Windows Orb (Start) > All Programs > Accessories and right-click Command Prompt, then ‘Run as Administrator’. Type wmic product get name,version |clip (note the four spaces) and press Enter. It will take a little time to gather the information. When it has finished, open Notepad or Word, etc. and paste (Ctrl+V) the results into it.
Programs are stored outside of user profiles; however associated user data is stored within each user profile where the application has been used. If you're trying to remove programs they can be removed from any administrative user. Data can also be removed from any program provided you are logged in as an administrative user. If you can't delete the data you will need to take ownership recursively of the directories you wish to remove and then grant yourself or the administrators group full access. At that point you should be able to remove the data.
| clip will pipe the results to the clipboard. Instead you could do >> "%userprofile%\Desktop\applications.txt" and it will just write the results to a file called applications.txt on your desktop
|clip is part of the command. The 4 spaces must be present in the command for it to work.
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