Windows 11 About Windows 11


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Since the launch of Windows 11, I wanted to upgrade from Windows 10. I almost did so, but read some stuff online, that said it's not stable yet etc. Today is 27. February 2022. and I think enough time has passed, so I can finally do it. Before anyone says something about the changes they made, the look of it etc. You should know that I like everything about it. There are only a few factors that are holding me back from upgrading. The first one is that I am really sceptical about my files, as I know you can upgrade without wiping your whole drive. If that's the case it's fine, but I also read that if you downgrade to Windows 10 again, you can also keep your files. So if I don't like it, I can do that too (correct me if I am wrong). The second factor is the most important one. Is everything that is compactable with Windows 10, also compactable with Windows 11. As I know, Windows 11 is like an update to the previous version, so everything should be the same, I guess. Also, the final thing is the safety of the OS. I just want to be sure that it is safe enough for usage.

English is not my native language, so if anything is unclear, please tell me in the comments, I will try to explain it better.
Microsoft hasn't changed Windows 11 much since launch. Later in 2022 is when the next feature update will correct many issues, but that version will also be buggy for a few months. Considering that Windows 10 is also extremely buggy and sloppy, it is nothing new. Windows 7 was more stable from the first day than Windows 10 after 6 years, so the amount of time since launch is not necessarily correlated with stability.

Upgrading through Windows Update or Upgrade Assistant should have minimal effect on files, settings, and apps. When files are destroyed by updates, that is typically because the new code, and not because the update process. This was an issue with some Windows 10 feature updates over the years, but hasn't been one of the many common Windows 11 issues. If you use Upgrade Assistant or Setup.exe in an ISO, be sure to choose the correct amount to keep.

The default amount of time provided to rollback to Windows 10 after installing Windows 11 is 10 days. Rolling back preserves files, settings, and apps, in the same way as the upgrade. To extend the time you can rollback, open Command Prompt as administrator and input DISM /Online /Set-OSUninstallWindow /Value:60 within 10 days after installing Windows 11, replacing 60 with however many days you want. There are some claims 60 is the limit, but in practice it completes successfully with much higher numbers.

If you exceed the rollback time, you may be able to reinstate Windows 10 with Reset This PC, choosing the Keep My Files, although Windows 11 sometimes updates the reset files while updating the operating system. This method will not retain settings, and will delete your apps.
Easy solution which works for me on couple of incompatible computers. Make an image of Windows 10 before you start, with, for example, Macrium. You can then reinstate it in its activated glory later, if you wish. I actually have a dual boot situation, with 10/11,and, so far, it is working a treat.
I haven't had any "instability", but, with the nature of the updates, it looks like it was launched prematurely. There are still hosts of quite important updates coming constantly.
FWIW. Not, perhaps, your issue. I downloaded the OS with the media creation tool, mounted it and ran setup from there.. I chose to keep data .etc, when asked. at the finish, in my case, all my software was intact.. But, caution, I am not a game player and my software was quite limited.
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