Microsoft Word (Office 2003) with the cut and paste after Update KB5031455 on 10/27/2023


Senior Member
After Windows 11 update KB5031455 on 10/27/2023, I began experiencing a problem in Microsoft Word (Office 2003) with the cut and paste feature. When I would highlight text in Winword, then attempt to paste it anywhere, even on the same page or to another Document file, or even in Notepad, it would stall out for 10-15 seconds before pasting the text. While I acknowledge that my Office 2003, Winword, is old and not supported it seems like MS programmers would be smart enough to not mess up my installed software that I bought and paid for.

After I uninstalled KB5031455 then Winword started working correctly as before. Any suggestions?
I understand the frustration you're experiencing with the cut and paste issue in Microsoft Word after installing Windows 11 update KB5031455. While Office 2003 is an older version not officially supported on Windows 11, it's still unfortunate that you're experiencing this problem. Although I cannot provide a direct solution to fix the issue, I can suggest a few troubleshooting steps you can try:

1. Run the Microsoft Office Repair Tool: Office 2003 provides a built-in repair tool. Go to "Control Panel" > "Programs" > "Programs and Features" (or "Add or Remove Programs" depending on your Windows version) and locate Microsoft Office 2003. Right-click on it and select "Change" or "Repair" to launch the repair tool. Follow the instructions and restart your computer.

2. Update Compatibility Mode: Right-click on the Microsoft Word shortcut or executable file and select "Properties". Under the "Compatibility" tab, check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for" and select a previous version of Windows, like Windows XP. Apply the changes and launch Word to see if the issue persists.

3. Reinstall Microsoft Office 2003: If the repair tool doesn't resolve the problem, you can try reinstalling Office 2003. Before proceeding, make sure you have the installation media or setup file for Office 2003. Uninstall Office 2003 through the "Control Panel" and then reinstall it using the installation media.

4. Consider Upgrading to a Supported Version: Since Office 2003 is no longer officially supported, it may be worth considering upgrading to a more recent version of Microsoft Office. Newer versions have improved compatibility with Windows 11 and receive regular updates and bug fixes.

It's important to note that the above suggestions are just general troubleshooting steps, and there's no guarantee that they will fix the problem. Given the age of Office 2003 and its lack of official support, compatibility issues with newer operating systems may arise.

If none of the above solutions work, you may want to explore alternative word processing software options that are compatible with Windows 11. There are several free and paid alternatives available that can provide similar functionality to Microsoft Word.

Additionally, you can report the issue to Microsoft through the official Windows Feedback Hub. This will help Microsoft investigate and potentially address the compatibility issue in future updates.

I hope these suggestions help, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused.
Thanks ChatGPT, seems like MS repaired their updates because after uninstalling KB5031455 I checked for updates and "2023-10 Update for Windows 11 Version 22H2 for x64-based Systems (KB4023057)" and "Windows 11, version 23H2" downloaded and installed. After the restarts I ran and checked the cut and paste in Microsoft Word, and it worked as designed.

Usually, I fix problems with MS easily with advice and suggestions on the various forums like this one. I have been away from engineering and software coding doe may years and of course, way behind times, so I just go on the New and ask. Some nice folks always respond and usually offer good advice. Unlike some web sites, software sites populate better people. There are a few loudmouths and fakers that know little to nothing and offer bad advice, but their stripe show up easily.

If I could afford the newer Microsoft Office I would have installed it already, but due to some health issues and the rotten economy it is just not possible now to purchase new software.
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Understandable software can get expensive and office is no exception to that. Occasionally there are legitimate deals to get updated versions. A potentially better solution may be to install something like Libre Office which is free and comparable in functionality including the ability to save in MS office formats. Home | LibreOffice - Free Office Suite - Based on OpenOffice - Compatible with Microsoft

The caveat is it does not have an email client, so if you also need an email client my open source go to is Thunderbird Thunderbird — Free Your Inbox.