Windows 10 Windows Defender Update Problem


Excellent Member
Has anyone had a problem with Windows Defender updates? I have been having a problem for over a week now. Microsoft has tried to fix it several times with no success. They are having a level 2 tech call me in the morning to see what he can do. Just curious if anyone else out there is having this problem.

It should have been corrected by now but in case you’re still receiving the error, update the definitions manually via the Defender User Interface which should then resolve the issue with Windows Update via Settings..
Hi Sonny,
I'm not running WD on any of my main production machines; only on my Test machines which are several versions back on v1607. I can take a look there, but can you tell us which build of v1607 you're having the problem with? For example, I'm on v1607 b14393.969 as of yesterday. I think that's the 3-17-17 update.
Also, do you have your WUDO enabled, and if not, make sure it's on. WD doesn't always seem to want to update unless WUDO is enabled (either setting should do it; but of course using the "PCs ONLY ON MY NETWORK" will take longer to download). Of course, your Windows Update (WU) needs to be turned on as well. I often have that turned off when I get word of a new weekly update that tends to crash W10; and then when I'm not getting regular updates a few months later, I go back and check it and WU is turned off! I know you know about both of these and you probably already checked them; but it just takes a few minutes in settings to look at to make sure. ;)

If you have a 2nd computer or other additional computers on your network that already have gotten the WD update, enabling your WUDO may help the PC in question to get it sooner!:up: That is of course, if you have an additional W10 machine(s) available.

I don't run WD alone on any of my production machines due to virus/malware infections; so I use Avast, Norton, or EMSISOFT. kemical and others here often recommend uninstallation of 3rd party AV programs when troubleshooting BSODs, Black Screens, crashes, etc. which is a useful suggestion I also employ.

I also saw a thread here this last week about someone trying to uninstall WD to get it working again, and my understanding was that since it's part of the W10 kernel, it's not possible to uninstall it. It can be repaired as you mentioned. If someone has been able to uninstall WD, please post a link for us to try that and see if it will work. Otherwise, you'd have to try a W10 reset or reinstallation from Factory RECOVERY MEDIA to fix that problem.:headache: Same with Cortana.

Once I know your W10 version/build I can go and look at one of my Test machines with a build # close to yours, and running WD and see if it's getting updated or not.

<<<BIGBEARJEDI>>> :encouragement:
My version is 14393.969. A Microsoft tech has contacted me and has fixed the problem. I don't know for sure what it was but it was something from their end that wasn't right.
Hi Burr, that was not the case. It would not let you do it manually. Had 3 level one techs from Microsoft tried that and it didn't work. Whatever was the problem they were able to fix it from there end. Just glad it wasn't something from my computer causing it not to work.
That was not the case with me. They had tried to fix it manually but couldn't do it. That is why the last Microsoft tech I talked to bumped it up a level 2 tech. Not sure what the problem was but it was on their end not mine that had the problem of not letting me update.
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