Windows 7 Forums Promotions and Giveaways


Windows Forum Admin
Staff member
Premium Supporter
Jul 22, 2005
New York, NY, United States
Windows 7 Forums Millennium Celebration

Windows 7 Forums Millenium Celebration!

Problem Solving Competition and Giveaway

Hi Michael,

I'd like to thank you for the generous gift of a copy of Windows 7 Ultimate and a Lifetime Premium Supporter membership for winning the Millennium Award. I'm glad that I've helped raise the standards on your website. I also thank you for giving me the medium through which I can ask questions and post solutions, so that my experience could potentially help over 250,000 others. I can see you are dedicated to supporting the community you have created, and it means a lot as a user to receive this recognition.

I will keep your letter forever, and maybe even use it in job interviews! It was very flattering and I'm honoured to receive such compliments. I was certainly taken aback after reading it!

I look forward to participating in your community in the future.

Kind Regards,

Jackson Delahunt

The competition is now closed!

· Do you want to win a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Full Edition?
· How about a free Lifetime Premium Supporter on

In commemoration of Windows 7 Forums receiving over 7 million unique visits since its inception, we would like to invite you to a problem solving competition and giveaway. This competition will begin immediately on February 22nd, and end on July 22nd, 2010. Any registered member of the forum is eligible, but staff members will not be eligible. The winner will receive a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition (not the upgrade), and a Lifetime Premium Membership on

The details of the contest are as follows:

After six months. a prize will be given for the best technical thread or the best problem solving post. The post that we choose may be found either in any of the Windows support forums, or within the Blogs section. The entry should significantly solve a previous unknown problem with Windows 7, technically provide an enormous benefit to Windows 7 users, or introduce a beneficial solution to a long-standing problem.

You may submit as many of these as you like. You may not use multiple accounts to take part in the competition or use the forums in general. Doing so would be pointless, since you may have as many tries as you like.

You should not flood the forum with technical jargon in order to try to win the competition. The subject matter of the post should be in-line with the Windows 7 operating system and should not deviate outside of that type of discussion.

We will feature your thread, post, or blog entry on our website.

One winner will be selected, with two runners up. The winners of the competition will be judged by their technical capability when conforming to these requirements. The judges of the contest will be the forum staff itself, with a final decision making authority by the forum owner.

The first place winner will receive the full prize giveaway, which includes Windows 7 Ultimate (Full Edition), Lifetime Premium Supporter Membership on

The second, and third place runners up will receive Lifetime Premium Supporter Membership, but will not receive a copy of Windows 7.

All three runners up will receive a special "Millennium Celebration Award" trophy on their profile.

We hope that you will join our competition! The only requirement to enter the competition is to join the forum and post!
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Sweet are first contest too bad I can not particpate but look forward to seeing everyones techinical expertise and participating in the judging good luck everyone!!
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Yes we will certainly need your judging skills Krypto along with the other mods/admin..

Just to repeat Krypto, best of luck to everyone who takes part.. It's a great prize!
Don't forget that the end of the competition is fast approaching so keep your problem solving posts coming..
Just to re-iterate the idea behind this prize giveaway is that it's a an award for the best post in regards to solving users problems. (not blogs).
You can choose as many posts as you like to put up for nomination which can be posted in this thread.
The competition is not open to mods or admin.
We will stop taking nominations two weeks prior to the end of the comp (9|7|10). This is to allow for time to assess the nominees and vote.
We are quickly closing in on the final days of this event and will start updating with information as it comes in. Be excited, because in 2 days, a few lucky forum members are definitely going to win! We will try to track and report on these success stories as best as possible.
Wow a Windows 7 giveaway nice, still good to have an extra copy in the house. I haven't put any info of postal code thought. I wouldn't suggest changing your index page drive on laptop or desktop or it will get your serial locked
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Gigem! I hope this forum continues to help us ole Windows followers! Who knows

someday we will have an auto cleanup when one shutsdown. I must say MSE

has come a long way and seems to be gettings better and is a far cry better

than the DEFENDER. Hurrah for more freebies and Giveaways!
Preliminary Award Winners


I am pleased to announce, that after careful consideration of the admin team, the preliminary winners for the contest are being announced. These winners are subject to providing feedback and responses necessary to receive the varying rewards.

A careful amount of evaluation went into the decision making for the awards, and while no one has a monopoly on ideas or great posts (there are hundreds we had to take into consideration), these are the three that stood out the most to us this round.

The first place winner nominee is:

sabrehagen - Link Removed

sabrehagen has been nominated for first place in the contest, thereby being eligible to receive a free copy of Windows 7 Ultimate Edition. While has acknowledged receipt of the award, we are still awaiting further information from him to see if he has accepted the award. Why was this award chosen? Since the creation of sabrehagen's post, it has received over 100,000 views and many responses. sabrehagen skillfully posts the answer to his problem, while others contribute to this thread.

Runners up:

iroken22 - Link Removed

ironken22 created a historic thread that is still active to this very day. This thread contains the most popular poll ever created on the website and this has been taken into consideration. To this day, this immensely popular Desktop Customization thread is still receiving replies.

stueycaster - Link Removed

stueycaster has been nominated for his great post explaining the System File Checker. While a simple fix, the solution is universal and has helped many Windows users over the years. While stueycaster may have posted the obvious, his thread is the most clearly defined in explaining how System File Checker can be used, initiated, and activated to protect Windows system files.

Honorable mention:

Vadim Cool - Link Removed

Vadim Cool goes to great lengths in this historic thread to help solve Windows 7 installation problems. If he responds within 48 hours of our notification, he will receive 2nd place title and a Lifetime Premium Supporter subscription. Feedback to this thread has been enormous and at least a hundred thousand viewers have seen Vadim Cool's solutions, which came, seemingly, out of nowhere.

(Vadim Cool has abdicated his award by not responding within 48 hours of notification)


All three candidates must respond to the information requests that have been made within 48 hours. So far, one candidate has responded. If one candidate defaults, then we will have to choose a replacement candidate to fill that position. For example, if the first place candidate fails to supply the information necessary for to send a copy of Windows 7, the 2nd runner up will receive the 1st place nomination. Then, a 3rd place nomination will be selected. If this process continues for over 7 days, it will be discontinued, and those who have won have indeed won, while those who do not respond will not receive any reward. I look forward to providing more information soon!
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Well I am honored to have received the 3rd place award. Congratulations to the 1st and 2nd place winners as they deserve the prize. When I created the Class vs New Start Menu Thread I had no intentions of becoming the most popular thread on the entire forum. It was only through support of my friends on this forum that I was able to make that thread so popular. So Thank You to all who helped!!!
Congrats, Iroken.
The first two nominees, after there initial threads, have not been on the site for over a year, I can see they are busy in their other fields (not computer related), so are probably long gone. Hopefully, should they respond. Congrats to both.
Good Point :) 100,000 views and 10 pages of replies , that tipped the balance in favour of the person who won the award .
When looking at the award nominees, it was important for us not to discriminate towards active members and to mindfully approach every possible thread as a winner. Many thread authors who could have won the award had already become moderators, and thus were ineligible for the award. I think that some of the more inactive members winning the award shows the ingenuity and diversity of our community, and surely it was never listed that you had to have 10,000 posts to win this award. In a fitting irony, some of the most inactive people have won this award. So far, I have heard not heard anything from Vadim Cool. It is very likely, then, that since 48 hours will soon have passed, that we will be nominating another award winner in his stead. That person could literally be anyone, so long as their post is of great value to the community. Ah, the point of this award was to highlight the contributions of even the most basic of members, and it was a surprise to us when we reviewed our most popular posts that we found some remarkable consistencies:

1. By far, the most popular posts, in terms of views and replies, were very specific in the title, detailing the exact subject or problem. Many times these posts reference specific hardware, file names, or features.
2. By far, the most popular posts, in terms of views and replies, contained a possible solution from the original author of the thread, thus bringing about a brainstorm of ideas from the rest of the established community.
3. And by far, the most popular posts, in terms of views and replies, were technically sound, written by modest people who visited the site every once in awhile on occasion.

This was a shocker to find these consistencies. Many sites have linked to these posts, and as a result, many people have been helped by these. There are still thousands of other posts with similar properties. Perhaps most importantly, is that while loyalty to the website is very important to us, the content of messages is paramount. Why, then, would we discriminate against even an inactive member from winning such an award?

The award process

Selecting the winners of this award was not easy. So many people, especially the regulars, have posted a great deal of important information. But in this round, these members were chosen for authoring these threads. It may be some time before we can sponsor a similar competition, but I hope that everyone praises the contributions of these members. Irregardless of their status, they are still members. Iroken22 was a member of our moderator staff and walked away from that position, and still won the award. Even this shows that anyone who contributes sound information had the chance to win the award. With so many good threads, it was like choosing lotto winners, and so part of that process is very difficult. Because once you award someone something, others may feel cheated or condemned. But I would like to assure everyone who is aware of this awards process that we have attempted to conduct it fairly and judiciously. We have discussed many ideas which we wish were possible, and these ideas sometimes have never gone public. One idea, some time ago, was to try to figure out a way to send all of our active members t-shirts, mousepads, or coffee mugs, but we simply could not fit it into the website budget. It got to a point where we had completed the full design of the mousepad, and then discovered the thousand dollar price tag and the impossibility of shipping these out to thousands of people by hand.

I hope that you understand that we would like to award our entire community, but reality prevents us from doing this right now. I would like to hint that this may change after January, as at our web hosting options, but I can make no promise as of right now.

Either way, please support those who did win the contest, irregardless of their post count or activity. It could be you who wins our next award, so stay tuned :)

As an update, we are in the process of having the Windows 7 Ultimate gift-wrapped retail box sent to New York, and then from there it will be sent to sabrehagen. He has provided us with his shipping information, and this will be an exciting time for him. We are still waiting to hear from Vadim Cool.
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