Windows 10 Warframe


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Aug 28, 2007
Room 237
Warframe is a free to play game with excellent reviews. You can play either solo or with friends and other users:

Several of our staff already play this amazing game and it comes highly recommended although with a word or warning too... It's highly addictive! One such person who shall remain nameless played for 8hrs+ after I introduced to the game..

Here are a few screenshots of the Frost Warframe (Warframe is like an advanced suit of armour) I've been using although there are many different types. So far I've come across and built around 4 or 5 different versions:





Of course you can spend money if you wish but almost everything is available without spending anything..
More screenies:

Frost default skin:

Oberon Warframe: Wendigo skin



Night flying:

That game has great graphics. I tried it on Steam. The thing is I've never been a gamer. I gave up on it when my son beat Mario Brothers 3 on Super Nintendo when he was 5 years old and I never got past the third world. Of course he had a lot of time for it while I was out making a living.

But the only way I could get the hardware I wanted in a computer was to get a gaming computer. So instead of letting all this power go to waste I've taken up gaming. Boy do I suck at it. I'm still at the point where I have to think about which button I have to use to get it to do stuff. I got a couple fun games and an XBox One controller. I'm doing pretty good but I still keep getting my butt kicked. I guess I have to keep getting beat til I develop some technique, huh?

A couple suggestions on good beginner games might help if you guys don't mind. I'd appreciate it.
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So instead of letting all this power go to waste I've taken up gaming. Boy do I suck at it. I'm still at the point where I have to think about which button I have to use to get it to do stuff. I got a couple fun games and an XBox One controller.
Welcome aboard Stuey!

Firstly on controllers versus k'board and mouse. Usually when first trying gaming beginners tend to gravitate to a controller but I'd stick with the k'board and mouse as it's far more accurate.

When in battle, try to keep moving, don't stand there and let the bullets hit you. Also there's no shame in a tactical withdrawal, living to fight for another day so to speak so if need be run like feck.. ;)

Another good tip is to save often although many new games use a checkpoint system so it's not always possible to initiate the save yourself.

Playing some golden oldies should get you started but you don't mention what type of game you enjoy?

If you enjoy first person shooters then a fine game from yesteryear is FEAR or First Encounter Assault Recon.

One of my favourite games of all time it's a triple A ride of a first person shooter!
Another plus is the game mechanics are straight forward and easy to use.

F.E.A.R. - Wikipedia.

This is of course just one type of game out there and you'll have to post if you have a preference as to what kinda game you'd like to play.

Oh, if you want to join us playing Warframe, you would be more than welcome.
I'm using the version I got from the link in this thread. I tried it out early this morning then quit. Now it gets stuck at "Verifying download cache". I googled it and it seems to be a very common issue.

Trying it through Steam. We'll see how that goes. Are yall playing on Steam? Oops I'll finish later. I have to go to work. Later.:)
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I initially started using the steam version and stuck with it.

Had very few issues in terms of playing so maybe you'll fare better.

Once you get into the game proper do a search for kemicalchaos and add me as a friend. I'm usually playing almost 24/7 at the moment ( currently played the game for 774hrs in total which only the witcher 3 beat in terms of time spent playing.)

If you can't find me post up your in game nic and i'll find you.
Ok I'm already messed up. When I go into the game it only shows my character from the bottom. I can't see anything around me. This is my second time in the game. The first time it was fine. Moving the mouse forward and backward just causes him to spin. None of the buttons change anything except the movement buttons and the 1 button seem to do what they're supposed to.

It was fine was before I had to reinstall Windows. I did a clean install with a downloaded Windows disk. That went Ok after I finally figured out how to set it to install where I wanted it. I spoke about all this in my last thread I started. I'm not going back to the Windows Insider Program.
I know when i first set up the game the mouse setting were set to be really fast, far too fast to be controllable so check in the options.

Did you install the game to STEAM?
When I go into the game it only shows my character from the bottom. I can't see anything around me. This is my second time in the game. The first time it was fine. Moving the mouse forward and backward just causes him to spin. None of the buttons change anything except the movement buttons and the 1 button seem to do what they're supposed to.
You sure your not in a lobby type area? If you press either F6 (warframe) or F12 (steam) this will create a screenshot which can be found depending on method used. F6 screens are in Paint folder in a folder marked warframe. F12 is as you know, STEAM and you'll be asked at the stop of play if you want to save to cloud. If you click show on disk you can simply copy the screenie by right clicking .
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