Questionnaire to Help Improve

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate compared to other websites?

  • 1 (Worst)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • 6

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • 7

    Votes: 1 4.8%
  • 8

    Votes: 4 19.0%
  • 9

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • 10 (Best)

    Votes: 6 28.6%

  • Total voters


Windows Forum Admin
Staff member
Premium Supporter
Jul 22, 2005
New York, NY, United States
Questionnaire to Help Improve

Hello, if you have been using the website, even for one day, it’s important to get your opinion on how you view the website and what can be done better. That is why answers need to be collected to see what can be done to improve the website overall. Those who are deemed to have given honest, candid, and full responses will receive a Website Helper award and Helpful Post reputation which will appear on your profile.

Here are the questions:

  • What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better?

  • What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?

  • Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?

  • What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?

  • What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?

  • What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better?

  • Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?

  • How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best)

  • What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?

  • Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?

  • How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How?

  • What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.

  • Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?
Poll Question (above): On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate compared to other websites? Please answer this by voting on the poll.

If you can answer all of these questions, you will receive a Website Helper award and Helpful Post reputation. This feedback will be used to make the website better and more accessible. It does not matter how long or short your answers are, or whether or not they criticize the website. You will never be judged by this. As long as the answers are truthful, and not completely rude, but constructive, you will receive this award which will forever display on your profile. You will also have our most sincere gratitude. This thread will never close, and the information provided by you will be used to improve the website.

You do not have to answer ALL of the questions to receive positive reputation, but only those who answer all of them will get the Website Helper award. Of course, the point is not to get an award, but to actually help improve the website! So if you only want to answer one question, or the poll, that is fine too. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

Eligibility: All members, including forum moderators, admins, new members, young and old are eligible to receive this award and answer any of these questions.

Announcing the Feedback Forum: To help improve the quality of the forums, a Feedback Forum has been created where any member can post about outstanding issues. See here: Link Removed due to 404 Error

Thank you in advance for your participation.
Wow - 1st in :)

Ok - not sure how many of these I can answer of any value, but do my best.

  • What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better
    I love the colours of the site which are nice and easy on the eyes first off. Makes for an attractive interface and appealing in comparison to some others I've been on. Also, the fact that although called Windows 7 Forum you still deal with all other previous versoins which is also useful. Excellent moderators and Forum owner who keep a close eye on posts and unlike other forums it's rare to see a post go totally unanswered by anybody - even if someone doesn't have an answer, there'll usually be one response of recognition of the difficulty at least.

  • What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?
    One thing I have a problem with is looking for my previous posts in the wrong place - I tend to look to the very top right where my details are and it's all in bold, rather than the very small lighter print of the 2nd toolbar where the link actually is located. So rather than Notifications up in the top right, I'd prefer to see My Posts.
    Another pet hate though is huge graphics in people's sigs - while I think graphics are nice in sigs, they should be kept to a small size which would make for much easier viewing if the same person happens to have posted a lot within one thread. You have to think of those who're visually impaired - large multiple graphics of that type can actually irritate heavily rather than help, plus screen readers can't cope with them either. Save on your server space too if you restricted them ;)

  • Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?
    What advertising?? :D I sometimes spot more in certain signatures than on the main site, so I personally don't have a problem with it. And, as a webmaster myself, I would suggest that if your members aren't willing to support the huge costs in running a large server, then the least they can do is cope with whatever steps you have to take to maintain it, and I'd much rather have ads than a forced fee.

  • What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?
    As above, I love the look of the site and colours in particular which reflect the Win 7 version nicely. However, if members could be given the option to choose another template that would be a neat feature too.

  • What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?
    I think you've done a superb job of figuring out the various options required for your members when it comes to categories - about the only one that doesn't seem to be much used is Win 2000 understandably - doubt too many will hold on to that version for much longer. But you have to be sensible too in not overdoing it, so I would suggest you've about the right number at the moment.

  • What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better?
    I tend to come specifically to get help for a particular problem, and rarely spend much time elsewhere on the site - only because I don't have the time. I'm not really into blogs (apart from my own LOL) or chat anyway, so doubt there would be much you could do to interest me on that front. Have to confess though that I'd not bothered to check on the likes of the Tutorials until answering this question but am now more interested than I thought I'd be and very impressed by the walkthroughs with images on some of them - excellent.

  • Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?
    Not very much - I've found the site hugely useful and appreciate that despite its name, you can pretty much get info on all aspects of computing and not just using this particular OS.
    I personally don't like the sidebars on the right side - the top one is too squished to read easily and none of them really provides any info of value IMHO.

  • How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best)
    I've rarely had any speed problems with the site - always comes in at least a 9 or 10 for me.

  • What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?
    Favourite has to be Win 7 Support for obvoius reasons - the one you tend to head to first when you have a problem specific to the OS. It's guaranteed you'll either find the answer in a search or get an answer fairly quickly.

    I don't have a least favourite as yet - they all look like topics I could at some time avail of.

  • Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?
    It's certainly the first place I come to whenever I run into problems. I remember it also being the very first place I came to when I was using the Beta 7 last year and it was primarily because of the excellent support here, that I was comfortable to buy the full version immediately it came out. 99% of those who post on here have very sensible points and help to provide - some forums allow members to post absolutely inane rubbish in replies which add nothing to the thread or sometimes go wildly off topic. And now I've found the Tutorials I think I could already highly recommend those as a great source for obtaining more info on how to better use Win 7 (even when, like me, you think you know it already!!)

  • How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How?
    Not sure if its still being done, but I know I was welcomed on fairly quickly personaly by Mike and was certainly so impressed in those early days, I took out Premium membership immediately (which I've NEVER done on any other site yet!) but I know on my own site, we Mods moderate on newbies joining up to ensure they get a personalised welcome note sent to them, and then all new posts are monitored for their first posts when a more formal welcome is provided in response, but we've a much smaller and much less active forum so it's much easier to do the latter at least. No doubt you're already letting the system send out registration emails which are probably fairly welcoming, and many are happy enough with that (although I'm not a big fan of impersonal "standard" welcomes of that type). I don't personally interact with other members more than I have to, but that's more a time issue than anything else.

  • What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.
    If interest dropped off to where you weren't getting replies to questions for more than 2 days - in this day of speed, we all want instant help and forums are about the only place that's remotely possible. So maintaining membership is vital. That would probably be the only issue that woudl stop me visiting.

  • Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?
    Just keep doing what you're doing which is a GREAT job!!! I'd personally like to thank Mike & all the Mods (esp Mitchell!) for the time and effort you all put in to making this the great Forum it is. But thanks also to all the members who equally take time to answer queries here and there and help out overall, as the Mods can't do it all on their own.

    THANK YOU!!!

relative physical order of Poll choices

I suggest putting the 10 (best) at the top position of the list.
The questions are too important for me to answer without taking time out to consider them carefully for a few hours; my "back burner" works better.
What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better?
I like the community and organization - everyone is usually kind and the forum is organized beyond belief.

What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?
I can't really say there's any dislikes, now that we've put in a more efficient spam blocker.

Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?
Have AdThwart for Chrome.. Don't see them. Though when using IE I have to say that the few advertisements I do see could be more conveniently placed.

What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?
I would like to see different themes - Mike I'll get in contact personally with you about that. Icons and formatting are all very sufficiently organized and designed.

What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?
The Vista forums are visited by few - maybe all the sections there are un-nessecary. Otherwise, great organization. For new members, I think we could provide more guidance as to where their first thread (or fifth for that matter) should go.

What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better?
Media section is alright, but I think the watercooler was sufficient - I know the differences, however.
Expand/Collapsing tag boxes, buddylists etc. is extremely convenient. Seems to be not working for forum sections however :confused:

Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?
Can't say I'd like to see anything done differently. :)

How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this?
I find the site a bit slow. Nothing I can't handle though, I don't think it's a big problem nor that attempts to compress the database etc etc should be made to solve - it's fine.

What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?
Favorites: Support, Discussion, WaterCooler
Least Favorites: Entire Vista Section, Some side Windows 7 Section, programming and scripting for example.

Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?
Yes, yes it is. I find more Windows 7 information here than on Windows 7 Center, News, etc.

How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How?
Interaction could be improved.. Hmm, no further comments on this right now :cool:

What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.
Biggest concern would be an over run by "know it all" idiots, or creepy internet people in general.
If people were to start providing negative feedback and interactions, with moderating and administrating to no avail, I would likely stop using the site until the problem had settled, other than that, there should be no reason to expect my leaving.

Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?
Hmm.. Nope :D
Here are the questions:

  • What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better? It's the most complete forum of it's type for windows 7 users to get or offer help.

  • What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed? can't really think of much negative if anything.

  • Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising? I have no problem with adbanners to pay for the hosting etc.

  • What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved? It's functional without going mad with flash etc, that's good for tech forums in my view.

  • What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate? Perfectly fine, covers most things already.

  • What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better? I don't really use much of the features, but then I think they should keep them for there will be folk that need them from time to time.

  • Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently? no idea

  • How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best) 8/10 but then you've been tweaking servers quite lot and it has improved over the year.

  • What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why? Graphics and Games are my faves, but i don't have a least favourite.

  • Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it? Yea most and contributors are largely on the ball, and don't often see much flaming compared to other forums, It's a lot more friendly here.

  • How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How? Well I think site noobs often overlook the stickies but that's not a huge issue, we've all done that lol.

  • What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate. Nothing springs to mind.

  • Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website? I'd like to see more software reviews from the forum's staff, but they probably too busy lol.
* What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better?
I Like it's Design, it's simplicity , its usefull members, great hints and tips.
cool services & features.
And i like much the toolbar in the top of the site, it's very fast-access and cool.
Currently I Don't see anything need improving as everything is great.
* What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?
To be honest,Nothing!
* Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website

operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?
As yet, the advertisement didn't bother me until now.. and it's fair to you to keep the site running (No One Can blame you)
* What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?
They are all Great. But the background color is better have a slightly darker color.
* What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?
I Don't know, i just visit Win7 forum.. but it good idea to have many forums and sections.
* What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them

I'm not that kind , to like to try or use everything, as long as i can do normal/standard things. it's fine for me.
* Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?
* How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10

being the best)
As Being a Very slow internet user, accessing the website not always fast, can't say that, because maybe the site is fast, but i'm really have

very slow internet... however still good.
* What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?
Most Favorite: Windows 7
Least Favorite: None
* Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?
Of Course Yes.
* How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the

website? How?
I don't care too much about that matter
* What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.
Long reply to my problems - haven't helped - no useful solutions
and for the most important things that makes me leaves many sites, is the rudeness of members.
* Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?
Just keep it up, this site is very great, awesome services, outstanding features.
Just very useful..
Thank you thus far.

On behalf of the entire forum staff, including some forum staff respondents, I would like to thank you all for your feedback. The more, the merrier. The feedback will be used to construct ideas for improving the website even more, moving forward. It has started to become clear from the feedback, that rather than a focus on aesthetics, as forum leaders, we need to provide more feature rich content, as well as avenues, incentives, and reasons for using other sections of the website that people often forget about.

These include Social Groups, Picture Albums, and even Blogs. We want people to discover and use these features, so the forum itself needs to take an active role of creating a staff sponsored forum group, posting content to it, uploading picture albums, and providing more blog content.

Outside of that, it looks like we would do great to contribute more to tutorials wherever possible, and that is something I am working on with a lot of the video content. But I can't always do it alone. Sometimes it is easier to convey a message to a wide audience with videos. At the same time, more solid tutorials and information pertaining to every aspect of Windows 7 needs to be provided.

That being said, we hope to gauge more responses, since this will help evolve and mold how we are looking at improving the site in the near future. Thank you all for taking the time to read and respond.
* What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better?

We got Mike here who understands to animate people - rarely seen anyone like this. Other than that the forum is pretty much the usual stuff. Improving what? it works as supposed.

* What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?

The helpful post voting system can be abused easily - it needs revision (vote weighting) to become fair.

* Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?

I think adverts are okay if not overdone and not pulling forum performance down. Current status I would say is just right.

* What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?

It is very hard to impress me - forum themes are pretty average overall! Themes would need to go more 3D style to improve complexion.

* What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?

some forums are pretty empty - those could be merged into sub forums

* What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better?

I have no real idea about all the features since I never found any formal forum introduction and explanation of its features or award system..but maybe I missed it?

* Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?

fine as is for me

* How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best)

speed is a bit wobbly for me - I give it a good 6 (above average). How you can improve speed? ..ask the admin :)

* What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?

I don't have a favorite

* Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?

Yes, easy nuf!

* How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How?

I rarely interact with others - it's a matter of personal preference you can't really change.

* What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.

too many problem pretenders running around asking for "help" and vanish - just want to have fun! Helping is the most ungrateful job that you can do.

* Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?

All working fine here what else? :)
Questionnaire to Help Improve

Hello, if you have been using the website, even for one day, it’s important to get your opinion on how you view the website and what can be done better. That is why answers need to be collected to see what can be done to improve the website overall. Those who are deemed to have given honest, candid, and full responses will receive a Website Helper award and Helpful Post reputation which will appear on your profile.

Here are the questions:

  • What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better?

  • What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed?

  • Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising?

  • What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved?

  • What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate?

  • What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better?

  • Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently?

  • How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best)

  • What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?

  • Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it?

  • How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How?

  • What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate.

  • Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website?
Poll Question (above): On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate compared to other websites? Please answer this by voting on the poll.

If you can answer all of these questions, you will receive a Website Helper award and Helpful Post reputation. This feedback will be used to make the website better and more accessible. It does not matter how long or short your answers are, or whether or not they criticize the website. You will never be judged by this. As long as the answers are truthful, and not completely rude, but constructive, you will receive this award which will forever display on your profile. You will also have our most sincere gratitude. This thread will never close, and the information provided by you will be used to improve the website.

You do not have to answer ALL of the questions to receive positive reputation, but only those who answer all of them will get the Website Helper award. Of course, the point is not to get an award, but to actually help improve the website! So if you only want to answer one question, or the poll, that is fine too. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you!

Eligibility: All members, including forum moderators, admins, new members, young and old are eligible to receive this award and answer any of these questions.

Announcing the Feedback Forum: To help improve the quality of the forums, a Feedback Forum has been created where any member can post about outstanding issues. See here: Link Removed due to 404 Error

Thank you in advance for your participation.

I am happy with most everything about this site . Great layout and looks . I only have two concerns . The site has or can be slow upon occasion .
How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best) I cannot fairly rate the site due to the speed changing . Things seem to have improved lately so maybe speed issues are no longer a problem ?

The title situation : I find that when I come to post a title for a thread , I run up against the title bar !
I recently posted a thread about being followed on Twitter . I could not get the word following into the title . I ended up using the word watching .
So many words are not allowed in titles . I spend more time trying to find a title word to fit , then posting the thread !
Last edited:
The title situation : I find that when I come to post a title for a thread , I run up against the title bar !
I recently posted a thread about being followed on Twitter . I could not get the word following into the title . I ended up using the word watching .
So many words are not allowed in titles . I spend more time trying to find a title word to fit , then posting the thread !

I am confused on this issue you are having. Are you sure this is not an issue of tags being auto-placed? There are some words that are blocked for tags, and they often times may get auto-tagged from the title.
Paolo Nutini is now following me on Twitter !

test post on here
I am confused on this issue you are having. Are you sure this is not an issue of tags being auto-placed? There are some words that are blocked for tags, and they often times may get auto-tagged from the title.

I have tried to emulate my recent failure using the word following and failed . I could now post using that word . I will wait till next I have a failure and take a picture so that I can show you the situation Mike .

I for my part am now confused as to my failure in the first place to post using the word following . Now my ability to post using the word following in the title ?
One message I do recall is " You cannot use the common word [what ever the word is] in the title ."
So that then leaves me searching for a suitable word to replace the one I had chosen in the first place .
Will take a picture next time to show . Hope that makes sense ?
There are no blocks to words in titles: only in the tags. So you would just have to go down to where the thread tags are and adjust them :)
What do you like most about and why? How do you think it can be improved to be even better? I like that if you have a computer problem you can come on this site and more than likely get is fixed.

What do you dislike most about and why? How do you think this can be changed? the speed of the site

Do you find the advertisements on this website to be too much, or do you feel that it is fair that we advertise to keep the website operational? What is your consensus on the current advertising? well since i do not see advertising since i am premium supporter i will not comment on this question.

What do you think of the graphics/theme/format on this website? Above or below average? How do you feel the situation can be improved? well If we went to something a little more simple a bet the site would be faster which is what i like.

What do you think of the current number and types of forums? Do you think they are adequate? yes the forums we have are good.

What do you think of the features on this site? Some of them are going unused. Why or why do you not use them? How can we make them better? I think we need to anyalze all the features on the site and see which ones are used reguraly and remove the ones that are not.
Out of everything, what would you like to see done differently? The site is good but it is just bogged down to me when i scroll the it freezes as i go down no many sites do that.

How would you rate the speed and accessibility of this website? What can be done to improve this? Please also rate that from 1-10 (10 being the best) I would have to rate the speed has a 2-3 the site seems very slow to me which is mianly why I am not on as much I miss the old site it was very fast and clean i just think we have too many things on the site.

What is your favorite forum on and which one is your least favorite? Why?
my favorite is the windows 7 support it is the main reason members come here. I dont really have a least favorite they are all useful in some way.

Do you consider this site to be an easy way to find information regarding Windows 7? If not, what do you think we can do to change it? yes I believe it is easy to find what you need.

How do you view your interaction with other members on the website? Do you feel that more should be done to welcome people to the website? How? I think member interaction is good it would be niced if the group feature was used more

What is your biggest concern that would make you stop using the website? Please elaborate. my biggest concern is that it will take awhile for things to long and to move around the site the site is just not has poppy as it used to be.

Finally, do you have any additional comments you would like to make about the website? I would have to give the site a 6 out 10 because of the loading and speed issues.
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