Windows 10 Powershell script to track your laptop


Cloud Security Engineer
Staff member
Jul 4, 2015
I wrote this basic powershell script. The script tracks your laptop's external IP address, and if it changes it will send you an email with the new external IP and a traceroute. The intended purpose is to help locate your laptop if it is lost or stolen. An ISP would be able to determine who was using the IP.

  • To set it up, you first need to enable your execution policy to allow powershell scripts, this can be done from an elevated powershell prompt Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope LocalMachine
  • Run the script once manually this will allow you to configure the email settings. The password is stored as a powershell secure string
  • Setup a reoccurring scheduled task as SYSTEM
$configdir = "$env:ProgramData\Monitor" 
$credfile = "$configdir\cred.txt"
$configfile = "$configdir\config.txt"
$ipfile = "$configdir\ip.txt"

Function Get-ExternalIPAddress
    $data = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -UseBasicParsing).Content
    ExtractValidIPAddress -String $data
Function ExtractValidIPAddress($String)
    If ($String -Match $IPregex) {$Matches.Address}


$ip = Get-ExternalIPAddress

#Setup configuration
If (!(Test-Path -Path $configdir))
    #Prompt for configuration information
    New-Item -Path $configdir -ItemType Directory
    "Configuration folder missing, please enter setup info..."
    $server = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter email server"
    $port = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter email port"
    $emailto = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter To email address"
    $emailfrom = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter From email address"
    $user = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter email username"
    Write-Host 'Enter your password:' -ForegroundColor Red
    $pass = Read-Host -AsSecureString | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File $credfile
    $ip = Get-ExternalIPAddress

    #Create Configuration File
    $monitor_file = New-Item -Path $configfile -ItemType File
    Out-File -FilePath $monitor_file.FullName -Append -InputObject ("server:$server")
    Out-File -FilePath $monitor_file.FullName -Append -InputObject ("port:$port")
    Out-File -FilePath $monitor_file.FullName -Append -InputObject ("username:$user")
    Out-File -FilePath $monitor_file.FullName -Append -InputObject ("from:$emailto")
    Out-File -FilePath $monitor_file.FullName -Append -InputObject ("from:$emailfrom")

    #Create IP File
    New-Item -Path $ipfile -ItemType File
    Out-File -FilePath $ipfile -InputObject ($ip)
} Else
    $server =""
    $port = ""
    $to = ""
    $from = ""
    $user = ""

    #Loop to detect connected network adapters
    #Wait for an adapter to be connected
    $nic = 0
    While( $nic -eq 0 )
        $obj = GWMI -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter -Filter "netconnectionstatus = 2"
        $nic = $obj.Count

    #Compare recorded IP with curent
    #Script will exit if the IP has not changed
    $savedip = Get-Content $ipfile
    $currentip = Get-ExternalIPAddress
    If (($savedip -eq $currentip))
        "External IP has not changed."

    #Read configuration file to configure
    #sending email
    $config = Get-Content $configfile
    Foreach ($c In $config)
            $split = $c.Split(":")
            $server = $split[1]
            $split = $c.Split(":")
            $port = $split[1]
            $split = $c.Split(":")
            $from = $split[1]
            $split = $c.Split(":")
            $to = $split[1]
            $split = $c.Split(":")
            $user = $split[1]

    #Create Credential object for sending email
    $secpass = Get-Content C:\ProgramData\Monitor\cred.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString
    $PSCred = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $user,$secpass

    #Form html message body
    $header = "<!DOCTYPE html>`r<html>`r<head>`r<meta charset=`"UTF-8`"></head>"
    $body += $header
    $body = "<body>`r<p>External IP is now: $ip<br>TraceRoute<br>"
    $trace = tracert
    ForEach($t In $trace) { $body += "$t<br>" }
    $body += "</p></body></html>"

    #send email
    Send-MailMessage -SmtpServer $server -Port:$port -From $from -To $to `
     -Subject "External IP has changed" -BodyAsHtml $body -Credential $PSCred -UseSsl
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Interesting... I assume it runs on the (hypothetical stolen) laptop at boot time?
Well I can confirm the script works although I tried to run it twice before I realized the "need to remove space" was an instruction for me… so it's not muppet/ idiot proof :oops::rolleyes:

I think it should send one email at the first test run just to confirm settings are correct?

P.s at the time of testing my ip address = what's yours
Do you know if there is way to disable the emoticons? That's why I had to add the space
Do you know if there is way to disable the emoticons?
Use the insert code option,
Screenshot (393).png

Crap, totally forgot code to update the ip.txt file on change. It's not letting me edit my post...

Out-File -InputObject $currentip -FilePath $ipfile

After the }
If (($savedip -eq $currentip))
"External IP has not changed."
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