Windows 7 Newest Build

I want to state that the taskbar has the Quick launch bar, icons, windows manager, and the ALT-Tab all combined into one thing. That is what the individual who introduced the Windows 7 Destkop at PDC said. The Quicklaunch bar was very annoying because it took up space. The idea behind quicklaunch is not to launch multiple windows of the same application but to be able to open and application quickly if you have 15 other windows covering the desktop. The Windows 7 taskbar is a huge improvement over previous toolbars as it takes less clicks to get the job done.
Thats correct, Iroken.According to Microsoft, the whole of the new taskbar is now merged into the quick launch. . Works for me!
Quote from the Microsoft Engineers:
"If one increases the size of Quick Launch, one must then determine what to do with the taskband. As previously discussed, we observed that under many scenarios of single-instance programs, launching and switching were equivalent. Hence, we decided to standardize this behavior and have program launchers turn into window switchers when they are launched. Effectively, we unified Quick Launch and the taskband. While some other operating systems have similar concepts, one difference with our approach is that our default experience always optimizes for a single representation on the taskbar. This means that regardless of a window’s state (e.g. minimized, maximized or restored) there are no new or duplicate buttons created. Also, the default taskbar doesn’t allow destinations to be pinned to the top-level which prevents duplication of a pinned file and a running window with that same file open. When we say there is “one button to rule them allâ€Â￾ we’re serious. This approach to a single, unified button keeps the taskbar uncluttered and gives the person a single place to find what she’s looking for."
I find that dragging any .exe file to anywhere on the taskbar and applying it as a shortcut, does precisely the same thing in 7 as it did in the previous "Quick launch" bar
Exactly and Microsoft could not of made a more user-friendly taskbar then the one they have in seven. In VISTA it took me a while to thumb through my many word documents to find which one i was typing on. In SEVEN They make this easy with the AERO PEEK feature. It takes me less time to get work done and gives me more freetime to do stuff that I want.
I think build 6956 IS the Beta. Or at least the final build before the Beta and as far as features go, I don't see there being a whole lot of changes between 6956 and the Beta. I've said it a few times already and I'll say it again, I honestly think MS has hit one out of the park with 7. Absolutely rock solid (in ALPHA builds!) and it seems like they are finally starting to listen to the general public regarding features and the way the GUI should look/work. Can't wait until January 2009! Bring on the Beta!! ;)
Radeknight one liners aint gonna cut it man. Please don't post them just to get your post numbers up. This forum is to collaborate about Windows 7 and to provide support for it. It is however not for someone to on many posts that i have seen write in pointless lines that dont move the topic along or resolve it. Please stick to making your posts more appropriate. Thanks
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Radeknight one liners aint gonna cut it man. Please don't post them just to get your post numbers up. This forum is to collaborate about Windows 7 and to provide support for it. It is however not for someone to on many posts that i have seen write in pointless lines that dont move the topic along or resolve it. Please stick to making your posts more appropriate. Thanks

No need to get uptight about "one liners" iroken22. I was posting them long before this little "contest" got started.... ;)

And in all fairness.. it's every man for himself if your going to be competitive about it. I'm simply answering posts with either help towards a problem as best I can or my opinion on a subject, and if that happens to only take 1 line to get across then a I apologize, it's not done to deliberately try to look better.
Oh!!! Please don't say it because actually he is the hero of 1 liners and he got 3 medals and 1 among them is for posting, yesterday I've also written the same thing but then I edited before his reading but I think u read it... I've specially seen his 1 liners are posted behind my posts so he doesn't like me or he wants to tease me or he feels inferior to me, whatever it may be, but he surely knows how to increase the number of posts... and now he has become a senior member so who can stop him,
Go on Radeknight buddy we are seeing ur TAMASHA (PLAY)....

Till now I've not posted anything abusive against u, but be aware if u start it I know double than u, and If I get banned for that then I'll come with another username....

It never ceases to amaze me how hostile people can become once there is something at stake... Really. you want the medals? Go ahead and take them, like I already said, I'm simply answering peoples questions to the best of my ability or stating my opinion on a subject or to a statement made by another poster. No abuse intended towards anyone. :)
Radeknight one liners aint gonna cut it man. Please don't post them just to get your post numbers up. This forum is to collaborate about Windows 7 and to provide support for it. It is however not for someone to on many posts that i have seen write in pointless lines that dont move the topic along or resolve it. Please stick to making your posts more appropriate. Thanks

I hate to say it iroken22 but look at the silly string of posts you just got going... I don't really see how they are relative to the overall subject of this thread... Not to be a smarta$$ or anything.. but just thought I'd at least give you an answer there.
This is a lame discussion and is getting out of hand. Is it possible we have run out of things to talk about until the next build? I don't want to have to start deleting posts, but if necessary this will come to it. As far as the medals, this is something that is still in testing and in the future only one member will be able to hold an award at a given time. I think that this is quite interesting that some people are arguing about it. :eek: There is no things to take things personal.
Mike i completely agree and just want to add I was only commenting on the basis that Radenight had been posting nonsense 1 liners in many of the forums. I was just giving him a heads up to keep the content relevant. And yes newid81 you have gone way overboard. No one should criticize others in this forum. Please leave that to the staff. If you have a problem with someone please report it to us and we will take care of it. Thanks!!!
Build 7004?

ZDnet is reporting that a build 7004 has leaked. If anyone has any information on it, please post about it:

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Build 7004 is of the RTM string of builds, a string overlapping that of the Beta. So 7004 isn't necessarily a newer build than 7000.
Also, the build I've seen was created Dec 3rd, where the beta was vreated Dec 12th.
Lets enlighten the forum:

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Windows 7 beta Build 7004 (7004.0.081203-1830)

& I agree with mike on the not much stuff to discuss on the current build....until the beta release's at that....
thread was getting crazy..
but I believe were all gentlemen here & can take care of a thread thats viewable to the world.

can you imagine the posts when the beta releases? or the official OS?

with this being

1-liners all day long...
thats understandable...
so I guess they just really dont care what build number it is....(as long as it has a specific name...)

my thoughts are the next build (beta) will be build 7000...
& if the leaker/s know about which builds is which & which ones the RTM build...
the other build will more then likley not get leaked...(no sense imo)
I've done quite a bit of searching this subject a couple of days ago.
I cant wait to see anything new...hopfully the next build will use less memory..
like the 6801 transfer to the 6956 was great!
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