Miredo_1.2.3-1.1_amd64 on Debian version 9.5 Linux.


Active Member
Attention: windowsForum users:
Windows Subsystem for Linux ( WSL ) Debian version 9.3 was recently installed on my personal computer, which is running the Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition operating system. Debian Linux has been upgraded to version 9.5. Since the miredo software files originally resided on my Windows ( c: ) drive, it was necessary for me to use the command "cp/mnt/c/miredo/data/data_1/usr/share/doc/miredo/<filename> ~/" to copy those files to my Linux home directory, after which they were then copied to "/etc/init." While reading the "README" file associated with the miredo software, the command to run miredo was adapted for my system as follows: "/etc/init/miredo -u miredo." After entering that command and pressing the "Enter" key, a Linux prompt ( "$" ) appeared with no error messages, which indicates to me that miredo is running. A screen capture file of the "miredo_1.conf" file has been attached below for your consideration ( the "ServerBindAddress" and "Prefix" code lines have been highlighted - they were obtained from the regular tunnel that is configured under my he.net ( Hurricane Electric ) account ). Does anyone know what the next step is in order to get my tunnel running? I need a tunnel to serve up my private e-mail servers since my personal computer is configured with dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP ), which means that an internet protocol ( IP ) address is dynamically assigned to my computer. Thank you ( see Colossians 3:15, for example ) for your help. Keep in touch.:)

Sincerely in Christ,
Russell E. Willis
P.S. - Please read Proverbs 23:23.
Windows Subsystem for Linux ( WSL ) Debian version 9.3 was recently installed on my personal computer, which is running the Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition operating system.

Why do you not use DUAL BOOT and run Linux natively along Windows?

In regards to Miredo, click on this link:
Miredo : Teredo for Linux and BSD

Attention: windowsForum users:
...my personal computer is configured with dynamic host configuration protocol ( DHCP ), which means that an internet protocol ( IP ) address is dynamically assigned to my computer....

In regards to DHCP:
As far as I know, most of the routers allow you to Reserve (Permanently Lease) an IP address to a specific device, if you need that.
Attention: windowsForum members:
In the "README" file associated with the miredo_1.2.3-1.1_amd64 software, the following commands to compile and install the program are as follows:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
$ make install

However, I am not able to get past the first command given above, but receive the following error message:

"-bash ./configure: No such file or directory."

Any suggestions regarding how to solve this problem? In the meantime, I searched online and found the following two command lines ( from the web page "How to Install" ) :

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install miredo-server

As you can see below, the output from the first command included some errors ( as highlighted ), while the output of the second command appeared to be fine.


If I remember correctly, the "README" file stated that after running miredo, one would have to wait 20 seconds. I ran miredo using the following command:

$ /etc/init/miredo

The second Debian version 9.5 Linux prompt appeared without any error messages ( as seen immediately above ), which would indicate to me that miredo is running. Also, from the miredo "README" file, it was suggested to run miredo as root, using the following command:

$ /usr/local/sbin/miredo

However, I was not able to locate the directories "/usr," "/local," or "/sbin" on my Debian version 9.5 Linux operating system. Since all of my miredo files reside on "/etc/init," I ran miredo using "/etc/init/miredo" ( as indicated above ). Any suggestions? Thank you ( see Colossians 3:15, for example ) for your help.:) Keep in touch.

Sincerely in Christ,
Russell E. Willis
P.S. - Please read Proverbs 23:23.
Holy_Bible_RSV_2_crop (692x687).JPG

"23 Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding."
[ Proverbs 23:23; RSV ]

Russell E. Willis
3559 Almanac Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32309
You're missing a step. You need to run the autogen script first with ./autogen.sh
Most of the time when the make utility is involved you are actually compiling code. The make install command should copy the compiled binaries to the correct place after.
Attention: livix07:
Thank you ( see Colossians 3:15, for example ) for your response. I just found ( from the web page: "Ubuntu Manpage: miredo - Teredo IPv6 tunneling for Unix" ) the following information:

"A Teredo server is a special Teredo relay which is required for Teredo clients to setup their IPv6 connectivity through Teredo. A Teredo server must have to [ sic ] global static subsequent IPv4 addresses. It receives packets from Teredo clients and Teredo relays on UDP port 3544."

I am assuming the editor meant to use the word "two" here. I currently have two IPv4 addresses configured in my "miredo_1.conf" file. In your response above, you mentioned permanently leasing an IP address to a specific device. Are you referring to leasing a static IP address through my internet service provider ( ISP )?

Earlier today, I typed in the following command from the "/usr/local/sbin" directory:

$ sudo su

and ran miredo as root ( see the second portion of highlighted input/output in the screen capture file below ). Since there were no error messages associated with the second Debian version 9.5 Linux command prompt, that would indicate to me that miredo is running. Is that correct?


Also, I attempted to run the "./configure" command as root, but was unsuccessful ( see the first portion of highlighted input/ouput, above ). I searched online earlier today, and learned that the following procedure will work for source code, but not for binary executables:

$ ./configure
$ make
$ su
$ make install

Can you shed some additional light on whether I need to use this procedure for miredo and, if so, how to successfully execute these commands? Keep in touch.:)

Sincerely in Christ,
Russell E. Willis
P.S. - Please read Proverbs 23:23.
Holy_Bible_RSV_2_crop (692x687).JPG

"23 Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding."
[ Proverbs 23:23; RSV ]

Russell E. Willis
3559 Almanac Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32309
I've merged these threads since you keep posting redundant content. Russell see my replies (4 and 5)
Please stick to one thread as your question won't be answered any faster plus it saves on confusion.
Attention: livix07:
Are you referring to leasing a static IP address through my internet service provider ( ISP )?

You should be able to access your router via web browser and configure the DHCP server?
Something like in this video:

What is your router model? Maybe I can find the Manual for it.
Attention: livix07:
Thank you ( see Colossians 3:15, for example ) for your response and your patience. I know how to locate the user manual online for my Netgear DGN1000 router. I also know how to configure my router at "routerlogin.com." I am glad you clarified your statement. I will let you know if I have any additional questions. Keep in touch.:)

Sincerely in Christ,
Russell E. Willis
P.S. - Please read Proverbs 23:23.
Holy_Bible_RSV_2_crop (692x687).JPG

"23 Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding."
[ Proverbs 23:23; RSV ]

Russell E. Willis
3559 Almanac Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32309
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