Windows 10 IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB relocation requires anordered section layout


New Member
I am running .netcore 3.1 console app written in c# that handles quite significant amount of data.
At some point, subject of this thread starts being logged. I am running it on virtual machine, x64 4 cores. Application is multithreaded.
Can you explain the error and give me some hint what to do?
Running smaller set of data with the same code will not produce this log.
Thats it basically, no matter if I run the app in Visual Studio or via Powershell/CMD, at some point following is written (please note that application logs are streamed with Serilog, but this one is pure console message):

IMAGE_REL_AMD64_ADDR32NB relocation requires anordered section layout​

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