How do I restart Marco or Firefox from the ctrl+F2 screen please?


Well-Known Member
Dear All,

I am using the latest Ubuntu 64 20.04.

After several hours of playing video the firefox broswer crashes, the screen freezes, however I can still hear sound. I cant close it via alt+F2 however I can switch to the terminal screen on ctrl+alt+F2, what I want to test is either restarting light.dmw which the crash report indicates is at fault or Firefox or even possibly Marco, so I don't have to reboot the entire system, how may I go about this? I tried a command I found on the net however it failed owing to the fact session crtl+alt+F2 was not ruinning a GUI environment. Thanks in advance.
Did you install LightDM? GDM should be the default display manager in Ubuntu. The process to restart the display manager is the same for any of them. sudo systemctl restart gdm or sudo systemctl restart lightdm if you are using LightDM.

For processes you can use ps to look up the process PID for whatever application and then stop it with the kill or killall commands
Thank you for your response.

Yes I installed LightDM as it was faster and I preferred the user interface.

I did notice something strange about FireFox, it apparently organises the memory of tabs you open usage as separate processes however when you close those tabs, they still sit about in the memory... If it actually deleted those when I close the tabs it might not eventually crash..
Could you explain to me how you install LightDM and how to use it to stop firefox from crashing?
I am having the same problem.
A step by step method would be appreciated.
Could you explain to me how you install LightDM and how to use it to stop firefox from crashing?
I am having the same problem.
A step by step method would be appreciated.

I am using MATE desktop, its a lot faster than gnome3 not sure why I thought it was LightDM, I think I was after XFCE but ended up on this page and it directed me to MATE as it looked like the style I wanted.

However to avoid it crashing, I am now in the habit of simply shutting FireFox down after a couple of hours then restart it. It seems to be more about how much data is being downloaded rather than how long I use it for. For example, watching high quality videos for 2.5 hours is more likely to produce the problem than medium videos for 2.5 hours.
A display manager isn't the same thing as the desktop environment. A display manager or DM is just the GUI for the X window system in use. You can use which ever display manager you one with any desktop
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