Windows 10 Help! BSOD during League of legends game


New Member
Jun 8, 2019
Hi, Thanks for your attention. I have a frequently blue screen whenever I played the League of Legends. It happened mid-game after 2-3 continuous games (30 mins each).

And I have changed different versions of NVIDIA Graphics Driver many times (from 416.94 - 430.86).

I have run the memory test using memtest86 and found no problem.

Minidumps available here: Minidumps

Thank you very much. Have a nice weekends.
I saw dumps relating to Nvidia and Corairs ICUE.

Can you update your core system drivers using the versions found on your support page:
Link Removed

When you installed the nvidia drivers did you use the DDU or Display driver uninstaller? This helps remove any corruption from former gpu drivers:
Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) V18.0.1.4 Released. - Wagnardsoft Forum
(best used in safe-mode)

Update ICUE:
Link Removed

Post any new dump files.
Hi, thank you for your advice. I have download the latest nvidia drivers from Dell official website. And uninstalled the nvidia driver with DDU under safe mode. Then I installed the nvidia driver which I download earlier.

But still it give me two blue screen. The first time blue screen was after I installed the new driver, when I was opening the control panel of nvidia graphic. I used the windbg to test the minidump file, it shows that the iCues cause the blue screen. But my iCues version is the latest one and download from the corsair official website.

The second time blue screen is when I was playing League of Legends, during the mid-game, it give me the second blue screen. The windbg said that the csrss.exe cause the blue screen.

What should I do now?

Minidumps available here: Minidumps 2

Again. Thank you very much
Hmm.. I can see that you didn't upgrade the core system drivers only the nvidia.

Update these:

e2xw10x64.sys Wed Sep 14 21:52:26 2016: Killer network, 2019 driver is available from the site I posted
igdkmd64.sys Wed Oct 31 20:22:14 2018: Intel gpu driver
RTKVHD64.sys Tue Sep 11 13:24:55 2018: Realtek
rtsuvc.sys Thu Dec 15 11:17:26 2016: webcam driver

Update the Intel 'inf' driver and Intel engine management.

As your using a laptop I wonder why your actually using iCUE? Please explain why.

One of your dump files was a bugcheck 1a which means a severe memory management issue occured. When you last tested how long was it for?

Run these scans to check for and hopefully repair system corruption:

File scans
Open an 'admin command prompt'. Type:
sfc /scannow
press enter and await results

In the same command prompt and after the above scan has finished type:
dism /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth
Press enter and await results.

If the first scan found files it could not repair but the second scan is successful, run the first scan again using the same command prompt box and this time it should repair the files found.

Hi, thank you for your following. I have done all the core drivers' update as you recommended. Also include the intel INF and intel engine management.

I update all these drivers from the Link Removed and Intel official website with their Driver support assistant.

The reason why I use the iCues is because I have a keyboard Corsair K70 MK 2.0. And now, I have uninstalled the iCues driver.

And I have run the file scans with the commands as you suggest. No problems been found. And the second command said successfully.

About the memory test, I use the memtest86 and test the memory for 4 hours and it shows no error.

But still, it gave me a blue screen in the mid-game of league of legends this afternoon (with out iCues driver). Here is the minidump file: Minidumps 3

Any further advises?

Thank you very much
Debugging Details:

Could not read faulting driver name
Sorry to hear your issue is still present.

The dump file cannot read the driver thats causing the issue so it might be worth while running what's called 'The driver verifier'.

This will, on start up, test your drivers to see if any bsod. If they do they'll be caught in a dump file and we should then know the name.

One word of warning however. This process can sometimes cause a boot loop. To get round this you'll need a recovery USB which will allow you to boot into safe mode and turn the verifier off.

How do I create a Windows 10 Recovery USB?
To get started, insert a USB drive or DVD into your computer. Launch Windows 10 and type Recovery Drive at the Cortana search field and then click on the match to "Create a recovery drive" (or open Control Panel in icon view, click on the icon for Recovery, and click the link to "Create a recovery drive.")

This guide will show you how to run the verifier (it only needs to be ran for 24hrs)
Driver Verifier - BSOD related - Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7 + Vista

Something else you could try is recreating your pagefile as it could be corrupted. Basically turn it off, reboot and then re-enable it, thats it.
Last edited:
Hi, recently it give me another BSOD also during the game. I haven't try the Driver Verifier yet beacuse I have some other work to do may until the weekend.

But I found that since I turn off the external client of league of legends during gaming, the blue screen problem seems to be fixed. But it give me the following blue screen: Minidumps 4 once.

Do you know that mean something?

Thank you
But I found that since I turn off the external client of league of legends during gaming, the blue screen problem seems to be fixed. But it give me the following blue screen: Minidumps 4 once.
So after reading the above I checked out the games website. See if anything on this guide helps:
Link Removed

I checked the dump file and again it was similar to other dumps you've posted citing issues with the non paged pool memory.

If you have any third party software on the your system and your finished with it please remove it. In fact it's always better to remove any software you no longer use as it eats up valuable resources.

As soon as you can run the driver verifier please do so and post any results.
Hi, I have run the Driver Verifier for like almost 48 hours. And during that period, my computer BSOD two times also during the mid-game of league of legends.

But the interesting thing is the first time BSOD, the blue screen just shows up 1 second then the computer restart automatically. So there is no mini dump left.
And the second time BSOD, it's not kind of BSOD, the computer just crashed. No blue screen. So also there is no mini dump left.

Also before I run the Driver Verifier, when I was watching videos with windows it's own app, it give me a blue screen as well.

So what should I do now? Wait for the next BSOD and hopefully it will give me a mini dump or any other things I can do?
Try recreating your pagefile as it could be corrupted. Basically turn it off, reboot and then re-enable it, thats it.

Once you've done that try the verifier again but only run it for 24hrs.

Make sure your settings are like thus:
Open the run application.
Type sysdm.cpl in the run box and click ok.
Look across the top of the system properties box for 'Advanced' and click that.
Look for 'Startup and Recovery' near the bottom and click 'settings'.
Near the bottom you'll see a drop down menu under the heading 'write debugging information'.
In the drop down menu choose ' small memory dump (256KB)'
Under 'small dump directory' make sure it says %SystemRoot%\Minidump.
Click ok and your good to go.

It's been a while, I still have the BSOD problem. Whenever I turn on the driver verifier, it will stop blue screen. Once I turn it off, it will back during the game.

One blue screen happened once I was transforming data from ssd to hdd.

Here's the minidump: Minidumps5 and also I can't read minidump with winDbg on my own computer, it always give me wrong symbol error.

Thank you
Did you try recreating your pagefile?

Check your hard drive by running a chkdsk
Link Removed

I'll ask a friend regarding the verifier.
Yes, I recreate my pagefile.

I even reinstall the whole windows system 5 times.

The BSOD still there.

Also when I was reinstalling the windows, it give me one BSOD as well.

Here are the minidumps: Minidumps6 The earlier one is when I was installing the windows, it also trigger the alienware assistant self-diagnose and it scan all the hardware. The second one is during the game, one I think will be nVIDIA problem, but I have already download the latest version from dell official website.

Still the Windbg give me:

Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ***
*** ***
*** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger ***
*** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol ***
*** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a ***
*** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
*** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that ***
*** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol ***
*** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to ***
*** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect ***
*** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. ***
*** ***
*** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***
*** ***
*** Certain .pdb files (such as the public OS symbols) do not ***
*** contain the required information. Contact the group that ***
*** provided you with these symbols if you need this command to ***
*** work. ***
*** ***
*** Type referenced: nt!_MMPTE_TRANSITION ***
*** ***
Windows 10 Kernel Version 17134 MP (8 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804
Machine Name:
Kernel base = 0xfffff800`1f0a0000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0xfffff800`1f44d170
Debug session time: Fri Jun 28 16:16:42.221 2019 (UTC - 5:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 15:43:37.007
Unable to load image \SystemRoot\system32\ntoskrnl.exe, Win32 error 0n2
*** WARNING: Unable to verify timestamp for ntoskrnl.exe
*** ***
*** ***
*** Either you specified an unqualified symbol, or your debugger ***
*** doesn't have full symbol information. Unqualified symbol ***
*** resolution is turned off by default. Please either specify a ***
*** fully qualified symbol module!symbolname, or enable resolution ***
*** of unqualified symbols by typing ".symopt- 100". Note that ***
*** enabling unqualified symbol resolution with network symbol ***
*** server shares in the symbol path may cause the debugger to ***
*** appear to hang for long periods of time when an incorrect ***
*** symbol name is typed or the network symbol server is down. ***
*** ***
*** For some commands to work properly, your symbol path ***
*** must point to .pdb files that have full type information. ***

Thank you very much!
And also when I was gaming, it give me 3 BSOD, and two of them came continuous. The two appear continuous also give me two sys alert. Npfs.sys & storport.sys

Minidumps: Minidumps7

Thank you
You need to update your bios from Link Removed

The bios is labelled as urgent. I'd be updating it and then seeing how the system performs.
You need to update your bios from Link Removed

The bios is labelled as urgent. I'd be updating it and then seeing how the system performs.

Thank you for your advice. I have already updated all the urgent drivers on dell official website including the bios, but it still give me BSOD.

Thank you
Well Storport.sys relates to the storage of data. Did you try the chkdsk as suggested earlier?

Also if the bsod is still there after re-installing 5 times then chances are you have a hardware issue

Do you have anything else plugged into the system other than say kb and mouse?
Also did you add the SSD yourself?
I have run the chkdsk, and everything seems fine.

I am trying to found out that if it caused by hardware, but all the memory works fine and the original ssd and hdd works fine as well. I haven't check the cpu & gpu since I don't know how to check them.

I used to have one keyboard plugged into my computer, and I removed it then I use my laptop's own keyboard play games but that's when these two BSOD shows up.

And I also have a mouse plugged in my computer, but if I remove it, I won't be able to play games. But it work fine before I add new SSD.

Yes, I add the SSD by myself, but since I think maybe it will be the new SSD's problem, I removed it and these two BSOD appears after I remove the new SSD and only running the original SSD.

All the BSOD happened after I reinstall the windows on new SSD. And insert the new SSD into the original SSD's SSD slot. But now I have put all the system back to the original SSD and put the original SSD back to it's original slot.

Thank you
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