Foxit Reader Update

Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

Hi Kemical

Whats your take on this software..........Is it Adobe without the "bells & whistles"????
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

Hi superbill,
to be honest I've never used it but thought I'd post it's update as I'm all for free software that works, which apperently this does... I might check it out one day how about you?

I've just been thinking on this subject... Here's why.. Recently we've had a spate of utility updates like the one above as well as AVG (which is actually quite major) and AdAware.. One would assume that the dev's are now starting to catch up to the vista era and releasing software thats far more vista friendly... The thing is though recently I'm starting to get the odd lock-up here and there which I'm sure is down to some software conflicting with another.. Eventually I will track it down but it's such a huge case of 'trial and error' that it's a long process.. Anyway I just thought I'd post my thoughts in case you or others start to notice someting similar..
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

If it is your only intention to read PDF files, then it is "no contest".
I have always used Foxit. It runs without bugs in Vista also. When you click on a PDF file, on the net or on your HD, it opens instantly, unlike that long wait with Adobe.

P.S. Don't forget Avira(anti virus) free edition in the list of up and coming programs. It came out top in the detection rate for free programs. I had always used AVG but thought I would give Avira a whirl. I run a clean computer and do not normally visit virus prone sites. To my amazement, Avira found two trojans on my computer, undetected for four months by AVG!
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

If it is your only intention to read PDF files, then it is "no contest".
I have always used Foxit. It runs without bugs in Vista also. When you click on a PDF file, on the net or on your HD, it opens instantly, unlike that long wait with Adobe.

P.S. Don't forget Avira(anti virus) free edition in the list of up and coming programs. It came out top in the detection rate for free programs. I had always used AVG but thought I would give Avira a whirl. I run a clean computer and do not normally visit virus prone sites. To my amazement, Avira found two trojans on my computer, undetected for four months by AVG!

Hmm....really? I may check this Avira out... Thanks for the heads up Davehc :)
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

Thanks for that davehc & kemical

I will give both a go and see how well they compare to similar programs!!
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

I use foxit reader and have for about a year and I haven't had any issues with it. One good thing is you don't install it so it not running all the time like Adobe, and like davehc says it loads faster. :cool:
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

The PDF reader I'll keep, as for Avira, I'm still undecided, as there is no e-mail scanner. Something you do get with AVG...
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

True. My ISP takes care of viruses and spam in my email so it is not a problem for me.
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

Just got it installed and up and running. Seems capable enough on a fraction of the space taken up by Adobe.
Re: Foxit Reader 2.3

Yup, I'm using it although I've gone back to AVG because of the e-mail scanner.. As you say though the reader does a good job..
The free Foxit PDF Reader has been updated to Version This version fixes an issue which prevented PDF documents being printed with specific printers.
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