End of May Update.


Essential Member
Feb 7, 2009
A friendly shout out to all members, visitors and staff!

It's been some time since I've brought you an update, I've been "out and about" with personal issues for months on end. I'm pleased to announce the following changes made to the site this month:
  • [*=1]
    A new WYSIWYG editor has been introduced to the site, as you may have noticed. This editor is feature rich and improves upon several of the features you're all too familiar with. Unfortunately the editor is still in beta stage. That being said, please be on the look out and report any bugs you may have directly to an administrator or I, via Private Message.
    Known issues with the member list and marking forums read are currently being looked at.
    Our Android app is also under maintenance to a version mismatch.

I'm working on rounding up some interesting statistics on our members, posts and general forums. Hopefully I'll be able to present them to you by the end of next month, personal life permitting. We should be hosting a staff meeting in June and I am currently evaluating several areas of the site to see what can be changed, improved and added. Suggestions are welcome via the reply dialog.

Also, I apologize if any issues you have raised privately with me or any other staff member over the past month have been ignored, a large number of our staff (admins and myself) have been dealing with problems off the site. Please simply mention them to us again.
Look for a neat twist on the theme for the arrival of summer!

Mitchell Anthony,
Public Relations.
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