Windows Vista Dual booting Vista - XP


New Member
Hi all. I have installed XP on disk C: and Vista on disk E:. Vista installs boot manager is on C:. I need reinstall XP, but when reinstall it, booting to Vista dissapearing. Exist solution to repair boot manager to previus state? Much thanks for any answer :frown:
Very intresting. I always thought the boot manager was like into the bios but maybe I'am wrong. What do you boot xp or vista?
Normal. When you first install Win98 and then XP on other partition, when computer boot, it ask for your choice - Win98 or XP. This same scenario is in this case. I first install XP on C:. Then install Vista on E: partition. Problem is, so Vista uses different boot manager as XP. I need reinstall XP. I do always clean install, coz i reformat C: partition on which is Vista boot manager. After installing XP Vista is on E:, but i cant start it.
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