Windows 8 Crysis 3

Hey Clark,

no apology needed the above is simply my opinion. I run the game with a custom autoexec I made for Crysis 2 which changes the field of view, I could send you that if need be.
Perhaps more to your liking is this config tool which allows you to set up the game to how you want it to run:

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The other thing I'd suggest is try running process explorer and see what vram your using. This game eats it for breakfast and if your running with high AA and AF you might be using over 2GB of vram. Try backing it off and see how you go. I could actually run the game at High settings but with only 1GB of Vram I'd be running out of the stuff very quickly. As it is I run at medium settings using the FXAA setting for AA as well as only running only 2x AF and I'm using almost all of it.

Tweakguides is also writing a set up guide for the game which will prove invaluable I'm sure, I'll post it as soon as he releases.

The game does seem a little dark and I'm going to check on which Cvars need to changing to lighten things up a tad. I'll be able to add this to the autoexec file and will let you know once it's ready.. :)

I'd also check the above forum I posted the config tool from. Others have been seeing the same issue and Crytek are aware of these issues and hopefully they'll be addressed soon.


Edit: I just noticed your card and the 4GB of Vram it carries which kinda shoots down my theory above. Checkout the forum anyway perhaps it's a driver issue like you said and will hopefully be sorted soon.

I'll also include the autoexec I use. Just pop it into your main Crysis 3 folder and that's it.

Ok I've included a new autoexec with the gamma change. I've set it to 2 but that might be too bright so if you need to change it the open the exec with notepad and change it to something like 1.5 (1 is default) I've just tried it with my set up and 2 does seem a bit too bright. Anyway see how you go on. :)

Oh and you might need to reboot after playing the game as the gamma change will effect your desktop too.

I've found that 1.25 is just about right for my system at least but see how you go. Like I said above just use notepad to open the autoexec, change the value and save.


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This is posted in the mycrysis forums:

Hi all,

We are aware of and investigating the following issues, with an aim to include fixes for them in any future patches:

  • Missing dog tags and skill assessments after Patch 1.1
  • Crashes during the final boss fight in SP
  • Issues with being unable to unlock everything for 100% completion in SP
  • Ability to specify ADS sensitivity compared to hipfire sensitivity (PC Only)
  • Laser + Extended Magazine not working for all weapons
  • Cloak visibility differences between levels
  • General weapon and module balancing
  • Further Anti Cheat improvements
  • Host Migration and Matchmaking improvements
  • Jackal + Laser sight causing an animation glitch when firing whilst moving
  • Disc image on X360 is incorrect on X360 dashboard
  • Further CVARS available to Dedicated Servers to allow ranked matches with higher timelimits and score limits
  • AMD specific driver issue fixes
  • Crashing when transitioning from SP -> MP when in an X360 LIVE party and someone is using voice comms.

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[h=1]Crysis 3 CVar Help[/h][h=3]Version[/h]This help file contains the cvar names and details available in Crysis 3.
[h=1]Gameplay[/h][h=3]Field of View[/h]CVar: cl_fov
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
The vertical field of view in degrees.
This controls several individual FOV controls That you can tweak manually if you prefer:

cl_FOV - The main field of view
r_DrawNearFOV - the field of view for nearby objects (held weapon, etc)
pl_movement.power_sprint_targetFOV - The field of view while power sprinting

Default Value: 60

[h=3]HUD Bobbing[/h]CVar: cl_bobhud
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Controls the amount of bob hud which is applied.

Default is 1.0

[h=3]HUD Canvas Adjustment[/h]CVar: hud_canvas_width_adjustment
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Multiplayer only. Multiplies the width of the HUD's virtual canvas in cases where it may overlap monitor boundaries in multi-monitor setups. NOTE: before this multiplier is applied, the HUD clamps itself to a 16:9 res.

Default is 1.0

[h=3]Hud Hide[/h]CVar: hud_hide
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
If this cvar is true the HUD will be hidden from view completely.

Suitable for screenshots or very immersive play. NOTE: This feature is not fully supported, and this cvar value might need to be reset in game, e.g. on loading a save.

Default is off (hud visible)

[h=3]Music Volume[/h]CVar: s_MusicVolume
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Controls the volume of Music, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default is 1.0, full volume.

[h=3]SFX Volume[/h]CVar: s_SFXVolume
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Controls the volume of SFX, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default is 1.0, full volume.

[h=3]Dialog Volume[/h]CVar: s_DialogVolume
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Controls the volume of Dialog, in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.

Default is 1.0, full volume.

[h=3]Max FPS Limit[/h]CVar: sys_MaxFps
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Limits the frame rate to specified number.

A value of 0 means no limit.

Default is 0

[h=1]Input[/h][h=3]Toggle Crouch[/h]CVar: cl_crouchToggle
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Makes the crouch key work as a toggle.

Default is on

[h=3]Toggle Zoom[/h]CVar: cl_zoomToggle
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Makes the zoom key work as a toggle.

Default is on

[h=3]Mouse Smoothing[/h]CVar: i_mouse_smooth
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Set mouse smoothing value, also if 0 (disabled) there will be a simple average between the old and the actual input.

(1.0 = very very smooth, 30 = almost instant)

Default is 0.0

[h=3]Mouse Acceleration[/h]CVar: i_mouse_accel
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Set mouse acceleration, 0.0 means no acceleration.

Default is 0.0

[h=3]Mouse Acceleration Max[/h]CVar: i_mouse_accel_max
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Set mouse max mouse delta when using acceleration.

Default is 100.0

[h=3]Mouse Sensitivity[/h]CVar: cl_sensitivity
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Sets mouse sensitivity.

Default is 30.0

[h=1]Graphics Features[/h][h=3]Particle Collisions[/h]CVar: e_ParticlesObjectCollisions
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls what objects particles will collide with.

Default Value: Static (Low/Medium), Dynamic (High/Very High)

None: No particle collisions at all.
Static: Particles tagged for collisions will interact with static objects.
Dynamic: As with Static, but dynamic objects also.

[h=3]Particle Motion Blur[/h]CVar: e_ParticlesMotionBlur
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables motion blur effect on fast moving particles.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

[h=3]Force Soft Particles[/h]CVar: e_ParticlesForceSoftParticles
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Forces all possible particles to use soft intersections with geometry - increases the cost but will all but eliminate hard edges on particles.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

[h=3]Tessellation[/h]CVar: e_Tessellation
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables DX11 ALL tessellation.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

NOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game.
Will be tweakable soon.

[h=3]Water Ocean Tessellation[/h]CVar: r_WaterTessellationHW
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables DX11 tessellation for the ocean water surface.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

[h=3]Pixel Accurate Displacement Maps[/h]CVar: r_SilhouettePOM
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the Pixel Accurate Displacement Mapping (VERY GPU intensive).

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

[h=3]Real-time Global Illumination[/h]CVar: e_GI
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables real-time Global Illumination.

Default Value: Off (Low), On (Medium/High/Very High)

[h=3]Real-time Volumetric Cloud Shadows[/h]CVar: r_FogShadows
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables Real-time Volumetric Cloud Shadows.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium), On (High/Very High)

[h=3]Volumetric Water Shadows[/h]CVar: r_FogShadowsWater
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the Real-time Volumetric Shadows underneath water.

Default Value: Off (Low), On (Medium/High/Very High)

[h=3]Screen-space Reflections[/h]CVar: r_SSReflections
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the Screen-Space reflections effect on glossy or reflective materials.

Default Value: Off (Low/Medium/High), On (Very High)

[h=3]Depth of Field[/h]CVar: r_DepthOfField
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the depth of field blur effect.

Default Value: OnNOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game.
Will be tweakable soon.

[h=3]Explosion Blur[/h]CVar: g_radialBlur
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the radial blur effect applied after an explosion.

Default Value: On

[h=3]Color Grading[/h]CVar: r_ColorGrading
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Enables or disables the artist controlled color grading post-processing effect.

Default Value: On

[h=1]Graphics Tweaking[/h][h=3]Sharpening[/h]CVar: r_Sharpening
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the level of the post-processing image sharpening filter.
Higher values give more sharpening, but too high values will create artifacts
A value of 0.0 is off

Default Value: 0.25

[h=3]Chromatic Aberration[/h]CVar: r_ChromaticAberration
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the level of the post-processing chromatic aberration.

A value of 0.0 is off

Default Value: 1.5

[h=3]Filmgrain[/h]CVar: r_HDRGrainAmount
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the level of film grain applied to the final image to help alleviate artifacts from lack of colour precision in 32-bit colour displays.

A value of 0.0 is off

Default Value: 0.0

[h=3]Bloom amount[/h]CVar: r_HDRBloomRatio
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the level of bloom used to simulate over-bright areas of the screen

Default Value: 0.15

[h=3]Bloom threshold[/h]CVar: r_HDRBrightLevel
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the brightness level threshold used to compute bloom

Default Value: 1.0

[h=3]Ambient Occlusion Method[/h]CVar: r_ssao
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Chooses the ambient occlusion method

Default Value: SSAO (Low/Medium/High), SSDO (Very High)

None: No ambient occlusion is used. (r_ssao = 0, r_ssdo = 0)
SSAO: Screen-space Ambient Occlusion. (r_ssao = 3, r_ssdo = 0)
SSDO: Screen-space Directional Occlusion. (r_ssao = 0, r_ssdo = 2)

[h=3]Texture Pool Size (MB)[/h]CVar: r_TexturesStreamPoolSize
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Sets the size of VRAM that is available in a pool for texture streaming.
Value is in Megabytes, and may be clamped based on the amount of video memory detected

Default Value: 192 (Low), 384 (Medium), 512 (High/Very High)

[h=3]Shadow Timeslicing[/h]CVar: e_GsmCache
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Saves GPU performance by updating distant shadows less often.

Default Value: On (Low) Off (Medium/High/Very High)

[h=3]Shadow Casting Light Scale[/h]CVar: e_ShadowsResScale
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the resolution of shadow maps used for individual shadow casting lights.
Value is an arbitrary multiplier, so doubling this will double the resolution of each light

Default Value: 3.4 (Low/Medium/High), 40 (Very High)

[h=3]Tessellated Shadow Cascades[/h]CVar: e_ShadowsTessellateCascades
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Determines how many shadow cascades to apply tessellation for.
A setting of 0 disables tessellation in all shadows.

Default Value: 1

NOTE: Currently not tweakable in the latest build of the game.
Will be tweakable soon.

[h=3]Shadow Pool Size[/h]CVar: e_ShadowsPoolSize
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Sets the size of the shadow pool render target - increased size produces more resolution available for, and fewer artifacts in shadow casting lights (NOT including the sun). Value should be a power of 2 (128, 256, ...)
If the pool is too small to fit the minimum size for the shadow casting lights, the GPU will thrash and performance will be severely impacted

Default Value: 2048 (Low/Medium/High), 4096 (Very High)

[h=3]Sun Shadow Map Size[/h]CVar: e_ShadowsMaxTexRes
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Sets the size of each sun shadow cascade - increased size produces more resolution available for sun shadows.

Default Value: 512 (Low), 1024 (Medium/High/Very High)

[h=3]Global Illumination Timeslicing[/h]CVar: e_GICache
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Sets the number of frames to cache GI results for before regenerating
A value of 0 disables all caching and regenerates GI every frame

Default Value: 7

[h=3]Global Illumination Iterations[/h]CVar: e_GIIterations
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Sets the number of iterations to perform when calculating Global Illumination
A higher number will reduce bleeding and lengthen the light propagation distance

Default Value: 10

[h=3]Tessellation Distance Limit[/h]CVar: e_TessellationMaxDistance
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Changes the distance in metres where tessellation will stop applying to objects

Default Value: 30

[h=3]Tessellation Triangle Target Size[/h]CVar: r_TessellationTriangleSize
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
The length of a triangle edge in pixels to aim for when tessellating.

Default Value: 8

[h=3]Grass Instance Animation Distance[/h]CVar: e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Distance fudge-factor where interactive grass instances will stop animating.

Default Value: 4.5 (Low/Medium/High) 8.0 (Very High)

[h=3]Grass Instance Max Distance[/h]CVar: e_MergedMeshesViewDistRatio
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Multiplier controlling where chunks of interactive grass instances will disappear in the distance.

Default Value: 50

[h=3]LOD distance ratio[/h]CVar: e_LodRatio
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls how close objects drop to lower Levels Of Detail. A higher number means a longer distance before this drop happens.

Default Value: 4 (Low), 6 (Medium) 20 (High), 40 (Very High)

[h=3]View distance ratio (General)[/h]CVar: e_ViewDistRatio
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls how close objects will stop rendering in the distance.

Default Value: 25 (Low), 35 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High)

[h=3]View distance ratio (Vegetation)[/h]CVar: e_ViewDistRatioVegetation
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls how close vegetation will stop rendering in the distance.

Default Value: 21 (Low), 31 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High)

[h=3]View distance ratio (Detail)[/h]CVar: e_ViewDistRatioDetail
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls how close certain objects marked as 'detail' by artists will stop rendering in the distance.

Default Value: 19 (Low), 24 (Medium) 100 (High/Very High)

[h=1]Miscellaneous[/h][h=3]Skip Intro Movies[/h]CVar: g_skipIntro
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Skips the introduction movies that play before the main menu at game boot.

Default Value: Off

[h=3]Fullscreen window mode[/h]CVar: r_FullscreenWindow
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
When enabled, selecting 'fullscreen' in the menus will use a window that fills the screen, allowing easy alt-tab.
Windowed mode will behave as normal.

Default Value: Off

[h=3]Disallow Fullscreen Pre-emption[/h]CVar: r_FullscreenPreemption
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
When enabled, Pop-ups such as instant message windows and other focus-stealing windows will not minimise the game.

Default Value: On

[h=3]Multi-GPU Support[/h]CVar: r_MGPU
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Determines Multi-GPU support in engine.

Default Value: Autodetect

Disabled: No multi-GPU support.
Forced: Multi-GPU support is force-enabled.
Autodetect: CryEngine auto-detects whether or not to enable Multi-GPU support.

[h=3]Force Output Adapter[/h]CVar: r_overrideDXGIAdapter
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Gives the number of graphics card to use when initialising CryEngine. NOTE: IF SET THIS WILL OVERRIDE CRYENGINE DETECTION. Leave unset unless the game will not boot and detects the wrong graphics card for you.

Default Value: N/A

[h=3]Force Output Monitor[/h]CVar: r_overrideDXGIOutput
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Gives the number of display to use when creating the game window. 0 is the default/primary monitor and 1, 2, etc are displays after that. Allows you to create the window on a different monitor from your primary monitor (e.g. a TV or other external display)

Default Value: 0

[h=3]Hardware Gamma Level[/h]CVar: r_Gamma
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Changes the hardware gamma level. Affects desktop as well.

Default Value: 1.0

[h=3]Internal Occlusion Culling[/h]CVar: e_CoverageBufferReproj
Recommended to be placed in autoexec.cfg
Controls the internal occlusion culling. You shouldn't need to modify this cvar, but if you encounter any popping with rapid moving, experiment with disabling this.

Default Value: On

[h=3]Game Network Port[/h]CVar: g_blaze_gamePort
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
The network port games connections will be made on.
[h=3]Enable Blaze VOIP[/h]CVar: net_blaze_voip_enable
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Toggles whether Blaze VOIP is enabled or not.

Default Value: On

[h=3]Enable Blaze VOIP PTT[/h]CVar: net_blaze_voip_enable_ptt
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Toggles whether Blaze VOIP Push-to-talk is enabled or not.

Default Value: On

[h=3]Enable Blaze VOIP[/h]CVar: net_blaze_voip_playback_volume
Recommended to be placed in system.cfg
Sets the Blaze VOIP playback volume, in the range 0.0 to 1.0.

Default Value: 1.0 Full volume
Wow, a lot of info, I will go through it, thanks.

The game ran fine as far as graphics. It doesn't hesitate, and never locked up until this part, which I think is the end. But it locks up when probably a video transition is taking place, the way they do when they go from one large section to another. Maybe the area you highlighted (the final Boss fight) is where this is.

I will be playing the game over from the beginning with a higher difficulty and maybe it will play differently. I like to do that and do more exploring, which makes it more enjoyable.

Do you see any type of health meter in the HUD? All I get is the warning when health is low and I can't seem to keep track of when I am being injured. Maybe I missed it... I will also check and make sure which patch I am running. Seeing the game has only been out a short time, your Patch 1.1 comment got me thinking.

I do like the fact you can use the Ceph weapons... :cool:
When you open the game and look at the list eg options, multiplayer ect you'll see a link to a manual. If you check that out it tells you what the HUD contains. Also check out the tutorial, even though I've played plenty of Crysis I found it quite handy as it taught me some new features to this particular game.

Have you tried the autoexec file?
I have started the game over with higher difficulty and Very High graphics. Since I have now been through the game and have some understand of what to expect, I have time to look around and appreciate the graphics and actual game play. Much better for me the second time through.

I did play the tutorial, but I don't remember the Bow being one of the weapons, but I only did the basic tutorial. Shooting the arrows long distances seems a little hard since I can't seem to follow the arrows flight and can only guess as to where it will land. Probably more practice will help. A better understanding of the graduations on the sight would be a good thing. And maybe if I remember to hold the right mouse button down after I shoot, I will be able to see the arrows better.

I will look into the HUD to see if any other options are available. I got used to watching the health status in Borderlands, so I miss it now.

I have not tried any changes yet, but the graphics upgrade seems to have helped with the darkness issue.

Thanks kemical, I will post back if I make any breakthroughs.
I did a screenshot of the bow just to show what to line up for a perfect kill. If you hold the right mouse button down it will zoom the view with left click being the fire button. Press E to negate the operation if need be..
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You'll notice in the screenshot I've arrowed a little white line. The very tip of the white line is where the arrow will land. (I'm playing on the hardest settings so have even less crosshairs than usual). Basically where ever you point that white tip at is where the arrow will hit, bodies, heads or even the Ceph.. :)

This screenshot shows the draw strengths:
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The higer the draw strength the further the arrow will fly or the thicker armour it will penetrate. Note the different arrows which all have their uses. If you get enemy standing in water use the electrical head and watch them fry. It's definitely worth experimenting if you get the chance..
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New 1.2 patch for Crysis 3:

Thanks for all your helpful feedback on Crysis 3 so far, and for your contribution to making the gameplay experience the best it can be. As you can imagine, the post-launch period has been exciting and busy in equal measure as we gather feedback from players around the globe and make tweaks based on our own observations.

Below is a list of the fixes that we’ve implemented in Crysis 3 as part of our latest Patch. We hope you’ll continue to enjoy the game, and assure you we’ll keep working hard to iron out any issues that arise down the line.

Latest PC Patch Notes:

• Fixed after-match award dog tags from not loading from the profile correctly
• Fixed root cause of some graphics driver crashes
• Fixed particle shader causing black squares/broken shading on some graphics cards
• Fixed shadering issue with underwater fog
• Fixed issues with non-default controls for weapon customization
• Fixed some issues with binding non-default vehicle controls

Following this patch we’ll soon be releasing Data Patch C across all platforms, you can find out more information about this here:
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I was finally allowed to finish the game with the new patch. I did, however, have to restart the last mission or it would still crash.
Still unimpressed?

Also depending on your resolution you should try running the game at very high settings with that card you have. Just don't pile on the AA or AF.

See the article here:
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I've now uploaded a new autoexec to the original post that carried the previous one. This now has the gamma set to 1.1 which seems about right. I've also set the FOV (field of view) to 80% which is the max Crysis 3 will go to. I've also included a setting to which stops the annoying splash screens and gets you straight to the game page. As before just pop it into your main Crysis 3 folder and job done.
Edit: Just got the game to finish in Windows 8. I went through the same process I did with Windows 7. I uninstalled the Nvidia graphic drivers and rebooted, then reinstalled them in customized mode and did not allow the 3D components to be installed.

Maybe it wasn't the update that worked in Windows 7, but involved the 3D components..

When I was having problems with Crysis 3 in Windows 7 I loaded it in Windows 8. Again, it seemed to play fine, even at Very High on the graphics. But with the update, it froze in Windows 8 at the very same place it was freezing with Windows 7 without the update...

Not sure exactly why...., but again, it is not the game play, but the video transitions where you have no control after defeating the Alpha Ceph.

I will try to post this in the forum you linked for the Crysis forum, but it took them a week to get my registration e-mail to me, so I don't have much hope....
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Oh so you have the glasses? Cool.. Shame it won't run the last scene though. You aught to post in the forum anyway and let them know perhaps?
No, no glasses here, but the 3D components are the default install option for the Nvidia drivers. That is why you have to do a custom install to exclude them. You may be able to uninstall them in Programs and features, but I did not try it that way.

I have posted it in the other forum on a thread about the problem. We will see if anyone agrees.....

I am enjoying the game more. I keep running across things I did not know before... And it is running fine in Very High graphics.
It's a while since I last had an Nvidia card (8800 series) although I was tempted this time around as I'm replacing my aging 5870 come April.
I'm finding that if I kill everything that moves, do secondary objectives as well as finding all the pick ups my SP will last around 10hrs+ which isn't too bad for s shooter. Kinda pales against the 900hrs i played skyrim though... :D
The Crysis 3 multiplayer beta ended today. So if you can't get into the servers you now know why.. :(

if and only if you have a few minutes at some point, could you possible direct to some decent but, not high learning games that you might at one time have tried? I do want to try some on my laptop but, I am not real good a choosing good games. I bought a Sony 3 Play Station. I got one game I really thought I would like, and I really hate. Racing at Indie 500. Even the real drivers have an easier than the game. But, I did get the battle of Britain and have done well at that. Maddens Pro football can be either fun or a downright knockdown drag out game, that may well leave you exhausted. Thanks.

P.S. I am saving up for an ssd for Christmas, along with and external portable. Guess that should round me out pretty good. Oh yes, where can I find some good info on Skype? For setting it up I mean. Thanks. I really am enjoying the tile interface. And I really question whether or it's must to have a touch screen for a laptop or desktop. I think the mouse is just fine. Thanks again for all the great things you guys do. I know you don't all the praise you should. But, I a great job when I see one.
Crysis 3 All-Platform Patch 1.3 Notes

Crysis 3 Patch 1.3 is on the verge of being live! This is an all-platform patch, although not all platforms will update at the same time, and patch notes vary slightly accross the board. Below you can find the full patch notes.

Ahead of this patch release, we also conducted a Q&A with the developers on some of the key updates found in this patch, you can find all of their answers in the news article here:
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  • Reduction in bandwidth usage
  • Fixed issue where other player's weapons may not be visible when joining the game
  • The "Scout" perk now saves progress correctly
  • Fix for rip & throw items occasionally entering a state where players cannot interact with them
  • Fix for Relay not capturing correct if the carrier is within the cap zone when the friendly relay is returned
  • End of round audio now works correctly
  • Fix for nanovisor becoming locked in some cases
  • Fixed crashes/freezes of the game after the boss fight (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
  • Fixed issue with boss not being triggered correctly and thus not appearing at all (some save games still might not be functioning 100% so a restart of the last level might be required)
  • Fixed extended magazine attachment of the SCAR to not lose 10 clips anymore after each death of the player
  • Fixed secret email not unlocking properly after collecting all Intel in the levels
  • Fix for after match award dogtags failing to unlock

PC Exclusive

  • Option to turn off squad & clan support when balancing
  • Anti cheat improvements
  • Ability to customize ADS sensitivity through console commands
  • Fixes for weapon customization when bound to a non-default key
  • Fix for vsync not applying on first boot of the game (even if on in menus)
  • Fix drawnear fov being reset every player spawn
  • AMD feature updates for Eyefinity, DBT and HD3D support
  • Improvements made regarding the SLI performance issues
  • Additional Fix for Limit number of muted DX debug runtime error to bare minimum to help tracking issues early

XB360 Exclusive

  • Minimised risk of crash when transitioning from SP to MP when in a party with active VOIP
  • Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
  • Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
  • Potential fixes for issues related to audio stuttering
  • Dog tags now unlocking properly

PS3 Exclusive

  • Fix for aim assist not working correctly in some areas of maps
  • Fix for an issue that could cause host migration failures
  • Dog tags now unlocking properly

Crysis 3 Patch 1.3 Status:

X360: Coming soon
PS3:Coming soon

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if and only if you have a few minutes at some point, could you possible direct to some decent but, not high learning games that you might at one time have tried? I do want to try some on my laptop but, I am not real good a choosing good games. I bought a Sony 3 Play Station. I got one game I really thought I would like, and I really hate. Racing at Indie 500. Even the real drivers have an easier than the game. But, I did get the battle of Britain and have done well at that. Maddens Pro football can be either fun or a downright knockdown drag out game, that may well leave you exhausted. Thanks.

P.S. I am saving up for an ssd for Christmas, along with and external portable. Guess that should round me out pretty good. Oh yes, where can I find some good info on Skype? For setting it up I mean. Thanks. I really am enjoying the tile interface. And I really question whether or it's must to have a touch screen for a laptop or desktop. I think the mouse is just fine. Thanks again for all the great things you guys do. I know you don't all the praise you should. But, I a great job when I see one.

Games is a difficult one as their so subjective. What I like isn't necessarily what you'll like ect..
So it really depends on what type of games you like to play.. If your haven't played that many then perhaps it might be better if you look for demo's first. These will cost you nothing and you'll get an idea of what you like and dislike.
Google is probably your best bet here and I found this site straight away:

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Skype is pretty straight forward to set up and their own web site is probably best for info ect. Check out the link here:
Thanks I will look more into games and see what I can find. Now on Skype since I know no one personally who uses it. By chance could you? When get it up I would like to test it, so I know it works. Thanks. Also, what is the eventual deal with Skype, messaging, and mail? That really is not 100% clear to me.
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