Windows 10 Connection Status Utility?


Senior Member
Just took my Windows 10 Laptop out of the house for the first time. I am so used to 7 and hovering the connection in the notification tray for IP address and connection speed I was surprised not to find this. And then more surprised not to be able to find some utility to regain this functionality. I want to know the connection speed from somewhere on the taskbar.

Got a solution?

I do not believe this functionality is built into Windows 10 or even 7 It might have been a program installed by the manufacturer of your computer. But I could be wrong. There are ways of monitoring your internet usage in 10 just not on the task bar see the following website. How to Monitor Your Network Usage in Windows 10
There are also programs out there you can install that will allow you to monitor traffic from the task bar. But a lot of them seem to not have Windows 10 listed as a supported OS.

Hope this helps you:)
Thank for the rply

I do not actually want to measure "usage" just the connection speed. And I think you are correct, this was a Lenovo utility that has become indispensable. All I really would like is a hoverable something to say connected to:_____________ at 144MBs, for example IP address assigned would be a bonus. Not finding anything.

Thanks again.

Thank for the rply

I do not actually want to measure "usage" just the connection speed. And I think you are correct, this was a Lenovo utility that has become indispensable. All I really would like is a hoverable something to say connected to:_____________ at 144MBs, for example IP address assigned would be a bonus. Not finding anything.

Thanks again.


I think I found a freeware program that might work for you. I tried it out in 10 and it seems to be working fine and has a ton of customization options.
NetWorx : bandwidth monitor, connection speed test & traffic usage log
Also I unchecked the filtering program at install I just left the task bar integration checked.

Hope this works for you

this may help... I have not tested it myself but it looks like what you need?

Try this, double click it, it will create a blue icon in the system tray.
  • Left click will pop up active nic, IP, and speed
  • Right click will allow you to exit
It's pretty basic.


    6.5 KB · Views: 283
Good find! Doesn't tell where I am connected to, but does have IP and Speed. Thanks!

How cool :)

What I am connected to - which wireless account or wired connection. Would be exactly what would be most useful for me.

And thanks again.
For wireless, yes. For wired, does that term apply? Whatever would identify my connection even if as simple as home, work, Hilton, SF Airport Public, etc.
Wireless connections are saved and named based on the SSID, wired connections don't have that. At most you may see a dns suffix, but again not always.
wired connections don't have that. At most you may see a dns suffix, but again not always.

could you read the MAC and assign a name from that i.e, have a field that a user can put 7-10 characters in for a name?
Could. interesting that the old win 7 utility form Lenovo shows Home or Work from their utility. Picks up the Hotel chain when on the road. Not critical. But if I am connected to something unexpected would be nice to know. Right now got two of the three :) Got to think others would appreciate this utility.

Ok so worked out a couple bugs I found and gave it an icon so it's a little more professional looking, lol.

What has been added
  • It now gets the gateway ip address from the active interface and sends an arp packet to the gateway for it's mac address
  • It will look in a configuration file it generates C:\ProgramData\Neemobeer\NetStatus\profiles.inf" and see if there is an entry for the mac, if it doesn't find one a window will pop up asking for a profile name
  • Profile gets saved in the above listed file
  • That will show up as Location: <name>

There is no .NET framework code check so if anyone uses this, make sure you have at least .Net 4.5 installed.


    8 KB · Views: 240
I will check it out after dinner. Thanks!

With the previous edition, I added a shortcut to the startup menu. If you are going to keep developing this, you might add a "start with windows" setting.

This version briefly appears in the notification tray then disappears. Not running in task manager as I can see. No installer. Just the app.

Something wrong?

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