Windows 10 Can't ping DC


New Member
I'm currently having trouble with Windows 10 "insisting" on temporary profiles. I started my troubleshooting when it decided to fail to run windows store apps. All I wanted to do that day, was take a video with my camera app. I ended up doing it with my android phone, then waiting for it to upload to google photos, and then downloading and then editing, which was a VERY BIG pain. It worked, but the problem remained that I can't run windows store apps.

Further troubleshooting lead me to find that Windows was loading temporary profiles. I was stumped about this, except noticing that it was putting the state (from the registry in profilelist/SID, long path upon request) to 644. I searched the Internet and found that it was a problem on Windows 7, but the article by Microsoft has been deleted since. Setting it to 0, doesn't last after reboot, but when I do that, the store apps start working again. It was working just fine when I went to school last spring, and just got out in June this year (2022). Then I realized, it would suddenly make more sense if there was a processor issue going on or something. Haven't checked that yet to see, but Linux Mint is working as expected. It's a triple boot machine with Ubuntu Linux and Linux Mint (both slightly older versions). Windows 10 is the third OS.

I wonder if I should check that or not. Just out of lazyness, because talking here about it first or somewhere else on a Windows forum would be the next step to go before that, I was going to take it in to a shop and pay them to help me with the problem. But I decided not to pay them also for backing up my machine. I backed it up. Theres now nothing that I can't replace on the machine. I redid Windows by the reset my PC and remove my files locally option. The problem persisted. I finally found how to uninstall the feature updates, and started there. I suspected at first, it could be the feature update's fault, but when reinstalling Windows, it hadn't reverted back to an older version, which I thought it would. I forced it to, but now it's done some updates back to 2004. I believe that when I was in school it was 21H1.

So then, the last step until I take it in, would be that I need to enable a user for them to use, so that they have the ability to work on it, without resetting my passwords, which I don't want. I could do that, too, if I wanted it to be done. But it's against my best practices to either change the password so that they can work on it, or give them my passwords.

The problem, is I now (finally I'm getting to it), is I now can't seem to contact my DC (domain controller). I don't remember exactly what changes to my network if any I've made since the end of school, but at some point in or out of school, I stuck a pfsense I'm working with, at the lower end of my network, and otherwise, it's pretty much the same. Could it actually be a pfsense problem or something? I stuck it in, because I'm slowly attempting to be able to filter things, like specific google searches. my pfsense is not fully upgraded.

It's not a message saying I can't contact the DC. Only when I try to log on with a user that is on the DC, but not on the machine, it gives me an error, saying (basically), it can't find the DC. With powershell (or I could use cmd, if I'd like), I verified that I can't ping the DC. I sometimes get a reply from vmain1 instead, which is another main server, running (but I intend to eventually upgrade), Mandriva Linux 2010.1. A ways ago, I made sure that the services don't conflict with my DC, which is Windows Server 2019 (but I may switch later to a Linux DC). Last quarter I was using my DC to log on, it was probably about 3 quarters ago that I was not. It had been working since. I'm not sure I can even get the other way around for a ping to work, but clearly they both have Internet working, can't do nslookup correctly either anymore on client. Haven't tested nslookup on server. Whether I get timed out from ping or reply from vmain1 (I might be wrong, it might be vmain2, I forgot), it won't reach the DC.

Please help. My network is now falling completely apart and I don't know what to do. Except, should I just run the hardware scans myself after all? I don't know what else to try, except for I'll check with another machine whether it's working or not, and see what results I get.
OK. Quick update #1. The pinging behavior and domain behavior is actually consistant on Linux Mint. Except for some users, which I've used previously from the domain (Linux Mint is joined to the domain), are working fine. This could be the whole problem anyway, it might now be hardware failures or anything. I thought the domain was working, because I could see no signs that it wasn't, but now I guess it might not be, or like I said before, a hardware issue that looks like a software issue. Good thing I posted in the network section, because that "could" be what it is. Should I check the hardware? Well, I'll finish tonights business, which I'm having no choice but to do on Linux Mint, and get ready for bed. I had to stop to get a soda and make my cat happier. I suspect he's been bored today, so I played with him with a toy I made him, gave him some treats, because that was good behavior, and gave him some catnip. He is now acting like the box I put the catnip in is his favorite box! He's turning around and around here and there and sitting in it after he ate the catnip. Cute!
OK. So it actually appears to be definitely a network problem, not a problem with hardware. My other computer is not letting me log on with domain users that are uncached either. Appearently, I had an old password cached too, so since I can't remember what it is, my options are to fix the DC, or reset the password locally. I wish I remembered it, but I don't. Hopefully, I can fix the DC...
OK. So it actually appears to be definitely a network problem, not a problem with hardware. My other computer is not letting me log on with domain users that are uncached either. Appearently, I had an old password cached too, so since I can't remember what it is, my options are to fix the DC, or reset the password locally. I wish I remembered it, but I don't. Hopefully, I can fix the DC...
I checked ping from phone, even on differnt networks. So i know its not an issue with clientrouter. No luck.
I guess some of it persisted after that. It was a firewall, yes, but also the fact that sguests (containing all standard users), were in Domain Guests. That puts it in Guests of course. The problem, is not all users belong in Guests, and therefore, since appearrently it makes them have temporary profiles, that was a problem as well.

Only jsguests belongs in there, which is, "only", the guests.
By the way, new to these forums. Is there a way to mark as solved at all? Like in
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