Windows 7 Blue Screens/Reboots


New Member
Feb 15, 2007
Hi All,

I have recently installed Windows Vista Home Premium on my PC.
Since about day two I have had blue screen/reboot problems. It happens randomly (I could be surfing the net, looking at an Excel document or using the Vista Media Center software.

I suspected it was either the drivers of my Leadtek DTV1000 T Capture Card or my Radeon X300 vid card. The problem is, I've ruled out both of them as being the cause and now I'm confused!

I took the Leadtek DTV1000 out, replaced the Radeon X300 with a Radeon X700 and re-installed windows. The X700 drivers were included with Vista so I didn't install any other drivers after the Windows Re-install.

I went the first day without any trouble, but 5 minutes ago she rebooted again.

I have a Gigabyte K8NF-9 (rev 1) motherboard.

I highly doubt a hardware problem as it worked fine with XP.
I still suspect drivers, but how do I tell which ones?

Or could it be a big co-incidence that a piece of my hardware is dying just as I changed to Vista? :confused:

Vista Solution Center reports:
Problem signature
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 3081
Files that help describe the problem (some files may no longer be available)
View a temporary copy of these files
Warning: If a virus or other security threat caused the problem, opening a copy of the files could harm your computer.
Extra information about the problem
BCCode: 1a
BCP1: 00061940
BCP2: 01A96000
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1
Server information: 33b783f1-55a7-4aaa-aa10-1210b384e40a
well thats what u get mate. vista = so crap. according too all the gamers around the world vista is like trying to play on a 1990 model computer. :) go back 2 XP
I also get a similar problem... happens randomly.
I will check all the error codes and see if they are the same as yours.
follow up

Here is a dump of my failure description after the reboot:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.0.6000.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 4e
BCP1: 00000099
BCP2: 00005C1D
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000000
OS Version: 6_0_6000
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 768_1

Files that help describe the problem:

:confused: :confused: Doesn't mean anything to me. Additionally, I cannot open the files described in the last 3 lines.
Windows Vista is New

Windows Vista at its core is going to end up a very solid os, i too experience bsod almost every time i boot....and i either have to do a cold boot or a system restore in safe mode to the night beforer to get it up again.....and i am not blaming microsoft, or the hardware vendors.....i am blaming them both equally.... microsoft for pushing this oput the door in a hurry, even before new hardware had drivers giving the hardware vendors time to make drivers....and to the vendors, you knew vista was coming before any of us....i dont expect perfection out the door, but come on, the lack luster performance from just about everyone has made this launch a flop.... i just built a new computer, i made sure 100% of it was vista premium certiufied, from the ram, to the mobo, processor, drives etc.....and i still get bsod...... and to the fine idiots at nvidia...your nforce support is terrible.... my 570 ultra chipset has the worst drivers ever.... i feel everyone using an nforce mobo should sue them, they are the slowest and their chipsets are on more mobo's than any other and they have the worst drivers and nasty customer support.

but to all you headaching out there on how vista doesnt, the support sucks big time though.... so unless you are a system builder like myself, or have multiple computers....wait to upgrade, let others like myself test these things out, help get the bugs out.....AND MICROSOFT WE NEED A SERVICE PACK ASAP.... NOT A YEAR FROM NOW.

windows xp works fine...and there is nothing coming out that requires vista for some time.

if anyone has a comment or feedback or even questions --> [email protected]
I have same error

Im in IT, and we have warned customers not to get Vista untill a SP is out, but some people want it first thing. Been getting blue screen anytime windows media player opens.

Thats what people get if they dont wait. If anyone knows how to resove this problem i can be contacted at: [email protected]

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