Windows 7 A few Tips - A (Potentially) Useful, Valuable Compilation

A few Tips - A (Potentially) Useful, Valuable Compilation
Many people miss Quick Launch in Windows 7. Although the new/redesigned Taskbar is what it is it can still be felt that there is a worthwhile purpose served by Quick Launch. It is (still) really a nice place to have certain items... in addition to Taskbar & Start Menu... especially if one doesn't care for a bunch of icons on the Desktop or digging/seaching/clicking about for things.

How to Enable Quick Launch in Windows 7

Quick Launch has been removed from the taskbar in Windows 7. The idea in 7 is either"Pin" items to Start Menu or to Taskbar; the latter suggesting no need for Quick Launch. If items are pinned to the taskbar the result is large icons which when you skim over them give mini-displays of themselves... if they mean windows then you see a mini of each, i.e. plural tabbed sites open in a browser. However, all items are treated equally, of course. Some you may not need to view a mini-window, you may not need them frequently, tool, accessory... something that seems well suited to residing in or as a Quick Launch item. Things you like handy but, don't need the attributes of being pinned to the taskbar and does not beg attention on an ongoing basis, as a browser, messenger, in-work documents/files does. Point is some people like Quick Launch, some may not miss it but, I feel there is a place for both; each have worthwhile reasons to be used. The following is how to establish Quick Launch in Windows 7.

Step 1: Right click on the Taskbar and choose Toolbars and then New Toolbar.

Step 2: Now copy and paste the following line into the Folder box in the New Toolbar dialog box:

%userprofile%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch

Click SAVE

Step 3: Now you'll see the Quick Launch bar shows up at the right of the taskbar. Next, right-click on the Taskbar and turn off Lock the Taskbar.

Step 4: Right-click on the divider and turn off Show Text and Show Title. Also, click on View and change it to Small Icons.

That's it! Now you have your small icons on the quick launch bar again!
It can remain @ the right end of the taskbar OR grab it & move it to (near the Windows Orb) where you are accustomed, @ the left end of the taskbar.
Finally remember to right-click on the taskbar and choose Lock Taskbar again to remove the divider. Enjoy!

All you have to do is nav to the item you want to place in Quick Launch... Rt mouse, drag-n-drop in QL, select Copy

Congrats, done, you have it

Adobe Flash now, finally, supports 64-bit browsers Link Removed


Life w/out Toolbars & Smileys & such can be just perfectly fine.
Stay away from My Web Search & Fun Web Products & IncrediMail


There are heaps of kewl tricks, shortcuts, functions & clever manipulations available in Windows 7 & IE9. I could compile a rather long list BUT, here's 1 of which you may not be aware. I like having lots of browser viewing area so I don't generally keep toolbars showing except, if & when I need something from 1 of them. They can, as you likely know, be made to show OR NOT by the Rt-Cl Menu of both the GEAR or the STAR. BUT, say all you are after is the Menu Bar, just hit either 1 of the ALT keys... once to make it show & once agin to make it disappear.

And Ctrl/Shift/n will give New Folder

Highlight item then, Shift+Delete will delete item without putting it in the Recycle Bin
There are, additionally, lots of other neat keyborad shortcuts for Win7 (just ask, me, if interested)


Using CCleaner in Windows 7:
Under the Windows tab uncheck Taskbar Jump Lists. This will make it so your accumulated Jump Lists are preserved, remain intact & not 'cleared' or lost each time CCleaner is regularly & frequently used.


This is very cool but, some may already be aware of it & (please excuse) I may have, already, put this in this forum somewhere, some time ago...

Disc Clean-up:

Familiar is > C:\ > Properties > General tab, there's a Disc Clean-up button OR drill down to System Tools & it's there, too. However, then, select drive(s)* one wants done, hit OKs, wait for 2 windows, go thru list putting in checkmarks, etc, etc.

Some may know > cmd, Run as Admin & type cleanmgr Link Removed - Invalid URL:n to do Disc Clean-up. This, I suggest, is much better... more items listed, after 1st time no need to recheck boxes and *does ALL drives...

> cmd, Run as Admin
type or paste in %SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr
/sageset:65535 & Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
, hit Enter
Hit OK on the window that appears, after checking all boxes the 1st time this is run...they stay checked when it is run subsequent times


85 Tips, Tricks & Secrets for Windows 7


Even though Updates are usually set to 'Automatic', it is still a good idea to check, the day after "Patch Tuesday" that any available are done. Just clicking on Updates & having its window openmay not be good enough. It may be all green & say nothing available. This can be the case even if & when thereactually are some... maybe the machine was accidentally off during the night or was off cus you were away for a few days or (like me) you have multi-boot scenario or virtual machines that mean 'machines' may not be running all the time... Anywa, point is, in the Update window's top-left click on "Check for Updates" to be sure of things. You may be surprised @ that point to discover that indeed there are some you need to install. Just a word to the wise about Updates.


All CPU Meter

This gadget was better than the one that comes as 'standard fare' in the OS gadets. But, NOW, it just became even better... shows brand, clocking & even more cores. I sure recommend it...

Link Removed - Invalid URL

One can, also, add Core Temps to this. Also, there is a Drives Meter (guage) that is very cool & handy that I use & you may appreciate & enjoy as well.

Desktop gadgets - Microsoft Windows


If you want to test something and certainly, definately, if the 'something' is a beta, it is better to use a VM, than to create a 'Test User Account'. This includes experimenting with or investigating functions & settings available in an OS or for troubleshooting purposes.

Defrag after new OS installs.

Don't use or download from P2P Services sites


Use MSE not, Norton. Have MSE set to do a Full Scan Daily.


Never have more than 1 Security software (A-V) or pieces thereof in a machine NOR more than 1 software firewall.


Stay away from things claiming to FIX Registry. & things to find malware except, Malwarebytes.
Do use Malwarebytes, it is a great product!

Always burn Recovery Discs when intially setting up a new laptop.


Scheduled computer maitanence is always strongly
and highly recommended
. It makes your computer its own little janitor
or caretaker, freeing you from having to think about WHEN (to do things) and
helps keep it in good running order. This concept can be applied to
such things as Disc Cleanup, Check Disc & Disc Defragmentor. Defrag, in
some OSs, is scheduled by default but, that can be personalised or changed.
Anyway here is an article that does a nice job of spelling out Task

Link Removed due to 404 Error


Keep up to date!!
Browser verions, CCleaner, Java, Adobe, Microsoft (Windows) Updates, SpywareBlaster, Malwarebytes, Etc.

And keep Junk/Unnecessary files & more cleaned out daily.


In Safe Mode (can't empty this fully in Normal Mode) in Search type %temp% & delete the contents of the resultant folder.


Guess the above is an ok bunch for the moment. Maybe some folks will find some helpful info amongst these items.


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Thanks for all the info. Believe it or not, I have tried all of those things except %SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr
/sageset:65535 & Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
I went to that site but didn't fnd out what to do;
I have MSC, disk cleanup cCleaner, the antivirus that comes with windows

The information below that was maintenance corrct? Right now I am just looking for speed. Can you help me there. Thanks.

You're welcome. What I have laid out therein can result in & maintain better speed & performance.

As for the other, it is a command line not, a site. It is used thusly:

> cmd, Run as Admin (Rt Click & select Run as Admin)
%SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe /c Cleanmgr
/sageset:65535 & Cleanmgr /sagerun:65535
into the awaiting cmd window & hit ENTER
In the window that comes up, check all boxes (they will stay checked on future occasions), hit OK

This is far better than the customary Disc Clean-up method ppl are accustomed to using.

This thought is meant w/ the utmost humility. Caters to a frequent request from my clients that might appeal to others for their customers, as well

For convenience sake, will term the original piece, 'Best Practices'.

Oft, over several years clients have asked to have advice, suggestions, instructions, recommendations in writing for there ongoing tangible future reference.

Ergo, I carry it around w/ me, as a on a USB w/ the rest of my 'toolkit'. It just gets put on their HDD & ideally, also, printed by/for them (customers).

Certainly, you're free to modify 'Best Practices'. But, it's accuate & comprehensive, yet, kept simple, clear & basic/fundamental not, overwhelmed w/ deep dives or lost in verbous techno jargin

Good work with this post! It mentions a lot of key ways to speed up your computer as well as just generally helpful information. I have made a couple of tutorials and out them on youtube if anyone is interested. just search my username (NE0ST4R)

Yes my user name has a zero and the number four in it if you couldn't tell :)
W/ the utmost humility, I must say thank you for what you have said/ expressed. Very nice the merit you give what I wrote and assembled to help people to be aware of "Best Practices" to have a secure & well-running computer.

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excellent easy guide to those who struggle with these basics!

Thank you a lot. I am very glad it is appreciated.

Win8Logo (2013_02_06 10_30_24 UTC).jpg .1
Refers to the Command Prompt window. Type cmd in a Search or into a Run box & the result will be the Command Prompt window.

Win8Logo (2013_02_06 10_30_24 UTC).jpg .1
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