Windows 7 Web Browsers that work within or in conjuction with IE


Extraordinary Member
I am kinda of at a loss as to why people create browsers like this. It almost seems pointless. You have a browser such as IE7 or 8, Firefox, Opera, or whatever, whats the point of having another one that still uses IE or whatever during your browsing on the Internet? I picked one up yesterday just for the heck of it. While it is quite well done and has lots of nice features and is small, it still depends on going to IE7 when it needs too. Or is this a cheap less time consuming way to create a new browser? Anyway, I am just curious.
32BW. It's sold by ElectraSoft. While it has some interesting ideas and I hope it goes a lot further, it leaves me with that interesting question.
Yes. I know what you are saying. I am always trying out different software. I also found a browser a couple of months ago (cn't at all remember which one - I think the maxthon), which turned out to be a rebadged IE, or at least appeared so.

I dislike benchmarks but, for interest, look here
Link Removed

Note my favorite - Opera.
I looked at the site article mentioned. Very interesting and yeah I like to look and try things too. But, it does seem to me that anything that ties itself to IE is kinda of dumb nowdays. Either make one that does it on it's own or forget it. IE is fine by itself and really does not need anything like a secondary browser to do it's job. But, sorry to say some people obviously disagree. Or is it easier or just plain cheaper to create one that hangs on to IE?
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