Windows 7 Navigation Page Dub-Click Folders Glitch

If you're in Windows Explorer and you double-click a folder in the navigation pane (left side of screen), the folder and its contents tend to go to the BOTTOM of the pane. Who would want this to happen?! The folder you double-click on should go to the TOP of the navigation panel so that you can see the contents of said folder.

Does anyone have a fix for this? I'd love to hear it!
If you're in Windows Explorer and you double-click a folder in the navigation pane (left side of screen), the folder and its contents tend to go to the BOTTOM of the pane. Who would want this to happen?! The folder you double-click on should go to the TOP of the navigation panel so that you can see the contents of said folder.

Does anyone have a fix for this? I'd love to hear it!

Click the arrow next to the folder instead of on the name of the folder itself. I think that's what you want!

Hope that helped :)
Arrow on Left

Thanks for your reply. The arrows do work and I use them occasionally, but what I'm looking for is to be able to double-click (one press on the mouse wheel) a folder and have it go to the top in much the same way as clicking on the arrow does. Folder names are bigger targets than are those little arrows and I believe that double-clicking on folder names should drive the folder to the TOP of the navigation pane rather than to the bottom.
Top Bottom
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