Windows 7 Graphics Problem


Senior Member
I have a system that's acting strange. It's a new mobo, cpu, ddr3 & psu. It has a HD 5850 GPU & has been working great but over the last few weeks it's been randomly going blank. I could have the pc system on & then all of a sudden I get a black screen. No mouse cursor, no response from any keyboard commands & the only thing to get out of it is by hitting reset. The screen is not completely black, its like a off black, lighter that the post screen black & the monitor is active, best way to describe it is a charcoal colour screen.

I can't think of what's causing it. It could be left idle, in middle of a game, web browsing. Sometimes it don't happen all day & the next it happens all the time.

Any idea's?
Have you checked the GPU fan yet while the system is under load, make sure its moving and all that jazz?
Yeah, everything is cleaned & maintained as it's my son's system. I am knowledgeable of systems & been building & programming for some year's but I'm self taught so If i get a problem I've never had before, If I cant figure it out I ask :p
Here's something to try if your motherboard has onboard video. Run the computer without the graphics card for awhile and see if the problem persists. If it doesn't it could be related to the GPU, or GPU driver (make sure that's up to date as well).
hi im trying to change my peckard bell PC from window XP 32 bit version, to Windows 7 32 bit version,I ran window 7 upgrade adviser and everything was compatible accept for the Graphic card,It said the Driver " Intel (R) 82915G/GV/910GL Express chip set Family " Provider " Intel Corporation " Version -, Date 1/13/2007 was not Compatible with Window 7 Areo and would not run if i did not change the driver,can i install a different Driver to run with the Graphic hardware,I did run a driver update program and updated all the outdated drivers on my PC recently and this is including the Graphic Card Driver that is not compatible with widows 7 Areo,,....? PLEASE please help as i am not very technically minded so Please if you do Reply make things simple as you can,thank you,, very much,Any Ideas or Links to were i could install the right driver that is compatible with the hardware of my PC and at the same time compatible with window 7 Areo.I hope im making sense here and not talking gobaldigoop as im just repeating what iv read about the problem of compatibly for window 7 Areo,I Egerly await anyone`s solution to solve my problem,thank you for taking the time
Regards Dekook.
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