
  1. ussnorway

    Windows 10 Gog Galaxy sync error [file too big]

    this error comes up from time to time and is caused by Mic at Gog I'll try to explain why it happens and how to fix it but I also assume a few things; Gog Galaxy is installed currently is the lasted build but this doesn't work on systems below W10 I show Baldur's Gate EE because this...
  2. P

    keep those devices updated, folks …

    keep those devices updated, folks … this security exploit deals with wi-fi chips from broadcom manufacturer. and, purportedly, the flaw has already been fixed (pursuant to os updating). " … can unleash a self-replicating attack that, with no user interaction, threatens 1...
  3. Windows 7 on Android OS

    Windows 7 on Android OS

    I continue my discussion, observation, and muse as I delve into the far reaches of Windows 7 on Android using the free TeamViewer app... join me in this discussion, as I marvel at the advancements taking place in the form of the re-consolidation of centralized networking (cloud computing) and...